Monday 1 August 2016


Hazelton SDA Women's Ministry ~ August 2016

Dear Ladies
Campmeetings are exciting, even if you were there for a day, celebrating the meeting of family and friends, listening to an inspired sermon, and just being in the presence of a holy atmosphere can fill you with a sense of awe or loneliness. What kind of feeling are you having?

Charles Stanley grew up only knowing his mom. his father left when he was nine months old, he just walked out on his life. . His mother had to work and so frequently he came home to an empty house knowing he would be alone. He struggled all his life with this sense of being alone. His mother told him to visit the church next door and so he went. Having the same feelings he discovered a God who promised to be with him wherever he was. Clinging to the word in the Bible that God was his Father. he hung on to those words for the rest of his life thru school, into marriage, ministry and in between friendships.
Watch this video if you can to go over the points listed here:

Develop or be a friend that you can:
have somebody you can laugh with
pray with
who understands you
share secrets with
and someone who you can trust

The little things that matter:
a warm embrace or handshake, something small to recognize that person, smile, a warm casserole!!,

Word to remember this month is:
Anchor your soul to a scripture:


People are leaving our church for every reason you can think of, we are so small, promises of a better economy have faded into a background somewhere so people have moved,   SO,    Ladies of Race!!!  (because people come from many different countries!!)  I write this to you because each one of you are important to the other, the words of his sermon above I felt would encourage you to reach out and not give up!

How is your Prayer List, updated?, the same?, renew it with a different bible verse, re-arrange the names, pray in a different place,
We are missing Betty, Bonnie, Katie and Franz, Aleah, Doug and Nadeen, Shirley and Ethel at work,
former members, our children, community around us,

CRAFT ~ Decorate an envelope and actually send it!!


I will give you my recipe for pancakes, just because i know they are good!! Lorna also has a very good pancake mix in Country Herbs that is easy to put together

¾ cup whole wheat
¾ cup white flour
½ cup cornmeal
3 tbsp brown or coconut sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda

Mix dry ingredients well, add

1 3/4 - 2 cups buttermilk
3 tbsp oil
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla opt

Fry in oil as in regular pancakes, decorate as you see in the picture with nuts, fruit, poached egg and a bit of sprouts, looks like they have almond flakes in the batter also.

letter from me to you~have a happy summer!! Bev

Sabbath School Lessons click here
10 THINGS TO DO IN AUGUST    click here
Quiet Devotions --  click here