Sunday 19 February 2017

February Newsletter 2017

Hello Ladies
February is almost at its  close with Valentines past  It has been a busy month so far as I painted pictures, sent handmade cards, decorated a tree with hearts of material and lace, even sewed a gauzy banner above my bed!!  also  making heart cookies and hand scrubs to give away.  Some of this you will find a little bag attached to this letter,  is a really nice scrub made of  Himalayan salt, coconut oil and essence of rose oil!!!  I hope you enjoy.
This letter would have come out the beginning of the month but as life would be busy and things to go wrong as ICloud ate the original letter, printer ran out of ink with many other things and it got postponed.

There is an old truck that caught my attention on Pinterest so with careful strokes of the brush and many layers later I painted it on a card.  The truck is  old and rusty, but still held the beauty of a new vehicle  that was in good shape and had brand new shiny paint.  The young drove it around and the old thought they were young when they drove it! 
I remember my dad not too long before he died asked me if the neighbour in Two Mile still had his model T in the yard! And that was many years ago!!  I said “yes!” with a smile.  Funny he should say that but he was remembering the good old days!

I listened to the  Gaithers homecoming in 2017 and some of them are not there anymore and some of them look a good bit older!! 

Just remembered in my thoughts, of a well known person who decided to end his life.  He had everything a rich man could hope for and everything a poor man needed, but he was not happy.  Why? What was it that he wanted or needed?
A movie  called   'HAPPY',   was  about people,  some were poor and some were well off, living together in a group of twenty families or so, no one really lived alone because there was always someone around to bump into for some reason or the other, someone to drink tea with, someone to watch the sky with, someone to babysit, someone to eat and   share the duties with.  So it seems that the general consensus is to have a well supported group around you.  I hope you  felt loved this month and hold on to the words in the following bible verse.

Nostalgic,February's word
 remember, reminisce, recollect, relive, retrospection, reexamine, aware, memories, cognitive, experience  ultrusim

these are all words that mean to look back and remember,  which is what we do many times a day!   Sometimes in our sleep, if we dream, our dreams reflect what we think about.  Oh to be like the old days sometimes!!!   I don't know any new thing I can give to you here with everything at our fingertips on the internet and all the modern ways of doing things, so I decided on being   nostalgic  for this Valentine letter.  Do you like that word?!!  it is happy!  Do you remember Valerie reading stories and this picture from previous ladies church groups?  I think that God even remembers too, as He looks forward  and says He will make things new again!  He also says Remember the Sabbath and remember the covenant, remembered people in their distresses  in the Bible to bring them to their promised land!. can remember the old days and know there is a time when your happy moments will be made new again.
A Bible verse to keep in mind...

Revelation 21:1-8

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband; and I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Behold, the dwelling of God is with men. He will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself will be with them; he will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away." And he who sat upon the throne said, "Behold I make all things new.”

A Prayer Song for February...

Here is a song that touched my heart knowing that in each of our families there is a family member who we wish to see again, one who needs to come home in a particular manner, or one who is at war with the world or literally in battle.  The Father’s prayer is to come to Him, He will look down in mercy and lead in salvation.  His love is everlasting and He remembers who we are……i hope you can find this song on the internet, he sings it so beautifully….
Bring Him Home,  click on the title,  Les Misérables - Alfie Boe and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir

God on high
Hear my prayer
In my need
You have always been there

He is young
He's afraid
Let him rest
Heaven blessed.
Bring him home
Bring him home
Bring him home.

He's like the son I might have known
If God had granted me a son.
The summers die
One by one
How soon they fly
On and on
And I am old
And will be gone.

Bring him peace
Bring him joy
He is young
He is only a boy

You can take
You can give
Let him be
Let him live
If I die, let me die
Let him live
Bring him home
Bring him home
Bring him home!
Crafts for February

The above is a banner I  made out of material scraps, lace and gauzy stuff, ribbon and bows to hang on my bedroom wall.
Below picture----I know this has been posted in earlier years in  letters, but for some simple and pretty thing to do, retrieve  your clothespins, cut out some coloured hearts or flowers , string a wire or cord thru the metal loop in the pins and  now it is ready to hang in a favourite place!!!

I remember when living in the States we used to get oatmeal in a round box, i miss those things!!!, Well you can do the same thing to a tin can if you need to store pencils, or scissors or crayons…..just cover the container with glue and decorate with burlap string or paper and embellish it ….


I would love to share a couple of recipes  that i just loved, especially these pickles that are so easy and tasty and ready in just four hours, make them if you plan to eat them right away.

Rosemary, Lemon, Sage Cucumber  Pickles

Makes 2 cups
The winning, flavorful combination of rosemary and sage imbues a subtle taste to these unique pickles. Also works great with green or yellow zucchini.
• 1 small red or white onion, thinly sliced OR 1 1⁄4 cup chives, chopped
• 2 cups cucumber, sliced
• 2 to 4 sprigs rosemary
• 4 to 8 sage leaves
• 1⁄3 cup cider vinegar
• 1 tablespoon kosher salt
• 1 cup cold water
1-1/2 sliced whole lemon
1. Slice cucumber into ¼-inch rounds. Tightly pack sliced cucumber and herbs in a 16-ounce clean glass jar until about ¾ full.  and adding the sliced lemon.
2. Combine vinegar and salt in a saucepan. Bring to a simmer and gently stir until salt dissolves. Remove from heat.
3. Add cold water to this mixture and let cool. Pour cooled liquid in jar to cover cucumbers and herbs. Add more cold water if necessary. Leave room at the top. Refrigerate for about an hour until chilled.

Rose Hand Scrub

-1 Tablespoon Room Temperature Coconut Oil
-2 Tablespoons Finely Ground Pink Himalayan Salt or Sea Salt
-3-4 Drops Rose Organic Essential Oil

Simply whisk these three ingredients together with a fork for a ready-to-use scrub! Use on hands, feet, arms, and legs. Store leftovers in an airtight container.
More exciting words...

sophrosyne---a healthy state of mind, characterized by self-control, moderation, and a deep awareness of one's true self, and resulting in true happiness

natsukashii.....of some small thing that brings you suddenly, joyously back to fond memories, not with a wistful longing for what is past, but with an appreciation of the good times

mudita.....sympathertic, vicarious joy, happiness rather that resentment at someone else's well being or good fortune, the opposite of schadenfreude