Sunday 18 November 2018

November Christmas

Beginning to feel like Christmas or does the end of November signal its time for parties, get            togethers  with dinners,  gifts and good will and wishing each other Merry Christmas.
Womens Ministry with Secret Sisters  celebrated their year end with six ladies participating in a Master Chef style dinner.

There were six of us. Right away we began to decorate  the table and the tree that Brian Procter got for us with Valerie"s blue balls,  her favorite color!!!,  the table with red plaid which is my favorite Christmas color,  red and white rose centerpiece,  one of the ladies name is "Rose",  so that is her favorite too,  and the room started to form a very cozy atmosphere.

Each one helped put together  vegetarian hambugers and all its trimmings, with dessert, and a Poinsetta Drink~pommegranite juice, crabapple juice with cloves, orange juice and seven up!! Of course with a lime on top. it was actually very good.

Red Plaid Dish towels were used as place mats and serviettes~but we opted for the paper kind!!  On the burgers were Armstrong Cheese slices, onion, sauteed mushrooms, there was sauerkraut and avocado on the side with sweet potato and white potato fries.

Before the meal we had a small worship and then the meal.  After there was a book exchange and a gift exchange.   Selection readings from the books we received was kind of forgotten  as it was getting quite late, we dived into the task of cleaning up.  sorry ....i didnt get a picture of the books, perhaps you could put a note on the comments and say what you got.

Very nice for  everyone who came and enjoyed the time together again, Each one took home a couple roses and  two of the red plaid tea towels.
Below are the recipies and worship readings along with a couple you tube videos.  Enjoy and  have a  very  MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR.

 1st Peter 1
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, 5 Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 6 Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: 7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: 8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: 9 Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.

21 Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God.

Last night i watched a couple you tube videos  about Secret Millionaires!  My favorite was a selfmade millionaire who  rented office buildings for a living and organized different things with in them.  He and his son decided to visit the poorest part of a city and disguised themselves the best way they could and mingled with the people who were from all sorts of walks in life trying to make a living and surviving among that type of people.
They found in the end that they loved the people, some really good heart in them , people who were trying to make a difference in their community.  They found it very hard to leave because instead of being rich with parties and not knowing their neighbours they were barred up like some of the people they met who were behind real bars!!
It was also a test with father and son relationship where the father had to let go and let the son grow up and  make decisions. They both did very well and in the end the worthy people got their  gifts of  reward for their contributions to fellow people.

They may not have believed in God, i dont know it didnt say, but it was a good comparison what our relationship is with God and what you do in your community and homes.








Women Who Flew for Hitler,   Chicken Soup for the Chocolate Lovers Soul, Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul

Friday 5 October 2018

Women's Ministry Retreat 2018

Women's Ministry Retreat 2018

with Dr. Esmie Branner

Beneath the canopy of gigantic fall colored maple trees some two hundred women arrived from all over the British Columbia province. Luggage, pillows and yes even a couple teddy bears and they, made their way into the lodge rooms where the beds were made, the towels folded, and a chocolate in their mouths that were handed out as they came in.

Rustic decorations centred each table, main stage and entry way and voices could hardly be contained with the prospect of being together for the duration of each meeting. It was an anticipated event!

Meals were supplied with vegetarian finesse and taste enough to satisfy any palate!

There was a mix up in the registration and when we got there we were unaccounted for. But with patient ....waiting they found us a presidential room close to the meeting place that someone had just decided not to share with someone else. So that was a blessing for us!!

click on the song title..... only part of the song but they sang so nice....

Each meeting was opened with the theme song above and the highlight of the weekend was a lady in her fifties who had five children by the time she was 26 and now she has thirteen grandchildren. Her life was one filled with conflicting emotion over decisions made as a young teen, getting married to an East Indian man and the father of her children. When as a mother she met Jesus Christ and decided to become a Christian. This caused a permanent division between her and her husband and as a result he moved them to Saudi Arabia in hopes of converting her to Islam.

But she had found Jesus! And nothing would separate her from her faith. She talked with God about everything and He talked with her including the instruction to stay with her husband even though he became violent and took three of her boys to live in another country while he courted another woman to be his wife and separating the children.

The children under the careful eye of their mother had learned about Jesus too and always prayed to Him even though they were forced to pray to Allah. Eventually they were reunited with their mother and she asked God once again to escape with her children and in one day he granted her request and they fled to England and the next day the father ordered them to come back. This all happened during the fall of Saddam Hussein and the fall of his empire. How God looks after a praying, faithful woman.

She moved to Andrews University where she relied on the grace of God once again to put her thru school along with her five children who now grew up in an American society where they went the way of the world in drugs and other terrible things. Esmie continued to believe in Jesus and held Bible meetings in her home where the boys would come and begin to remember their Christian beginning.

One day one of the boys who was a twin, heard the name of Jesus in a new light, and fell on his knees and confessed his sins and in the name of Jesus gave up his habits for a better habit. A better joy!! Now it was his brother that was going thru a battle. One day he too heard the name of Jesus in his heart but could not give up the bad habits as easily. He asked to be taken to a center for addiction where he was for 28 days of agony and crying until one day the devil left him and he grasped the hand of Jesus never to let go. He bowed down on his knees and praised God for deliverance. Esmie wept tears that made us all cry at the meeting place as she told her childrens story.

To day she says that her twin boys are married, have children and are elders in the church. Esme has a new husband which the Lord found for her and the children call him dad. Three more children need to give their heart to God now. She prays for that always. The children do keep in touch with their father desire to convert him now. What a story, what a decision we all need to make in our heart and life for Jesus. That decision may cause you earthly hardship, but in the end will give you peace and joy and fulfilment. All the jewels, all the stuff in this world we think we should have, or who we think we should be, or deviation from the ten commandments is not worth it when it comes to accepting the Love of Jesus into our hearts.

It was truly an inspiring testimony she gave, her heart wrenched out every word as she related her victory that Jesus wrought for her. Charlotte Smith also came with me and relates the relationship of our being to God............

    Dr. Branner's talks were very inspirational, educational and sometimes entertaining.  She packed a lot of good information into her talks.  She has a PH.D. in Research Psychology; specializing in Cognitive Neuroscience, and Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
    I felt, at times, like a student again because I was learning new and interesting stuff.  She talked about our body, how the Lord made it up with DNA, RNA, Dendrites and Neurons,etc.  We are made in God's image, so He has all these things, too.  I never thought about that before.
    The RNA is able to replicate DNA cells, it does something like takes a photo of the DNA cell and goes off and makes other DNA cells in our body.  She explained all this which I found difficult to follow at first but she did it more than once and used different ways to get it across to us.  She interweaves the Bible through all this information and backs up what she said with Bible texts.
    She told us that if we eat meat, for instance, the animal DNA becomes part of us and lowers our morality, emotions ad our spiritual thinking changes.  Mrs. White says, If we continue to eat meat we will no longer walk with God and cannot be translated.  This is pretty serious stuff.  I certainly want to go to heaven and we won't be eating meat there.  I came home with some serious thinking to do.

You can also go on line and find her name and book on Amazon. Look up the name on you tube, you will find several videos to watch including the testimony of her sons Adam and Taarik.

click on the title.....

Beyond The Darkness Esmie Branner       

Some Definitions

What is a soul====the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.
    •             a person's moral or emotional nature or sense of identity.
                  emotional or intellectual energy or intensity
                          the essence or embodiment of a specified quality.

What is your DNA or RNA=======Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is a molecule that contains the instructions an organism needs to develop, live and reproduce. These instructions are found inside every cell, and are passed down from parents to their children.

RNA=========ribonucleic acid, a nucleic acid present in all living cells. Its principal role is to act as a messenger carrying instructions from DNA for controlling the synthesis of proteins, although in some viruses RNA rather than DNA carries the genetic information.

What is the relationship to God in RNA and DNA

God said He created man or humans in his own image. He took His hands and formed man and with His own breath breathed into him the very unseen inner parts that gave us our identity with God. His DNA/RNA was life into man and he was given the right to reproduce God in every human being.

When we die our bodies return to dirt, and the breath that God gives us is returned to Him. Our identity returns to Him!!!

There is another identity that was created and he was Lucifer. He had been given the third place in heaven under Christ and the Spirit, But he cherished evil in his soul and caused the whole world to misrepresent a pure anatomy.
God gave humans guidelines to take care of their identity and when they deviated from those guidelines then the one who cherished those deviations exaults within himself and mutations occur.

The DNA of God is the law of God; His characteristics written and coded on every fiber of your being. Just as DNA is used in forensics to identify a person, and their line of heritage, so too the DNA of God, when expressed by choice will show and identify your heritage as a child of God. If one gene in the coded sequence of DNA has a mutation, it can cause sever deformity. So too If one gene in the written sequence of Gods Law is mutated it will cause deformity of development and expression of character. While DNA cannot save you from death, the law of God cannot save you either. However, upon death just like DNA, it will identify you. ----Dr. Esmie.

Ladies of the church and who ever reads and listens to this story, i pray that you will be blest, continue in your prayers, come back to Christ where ever you are and give God the glory. He is worth it, You are worth it. In Jesus name Amen!

click on the song title again!!

Song and Music --- By the Power ofYour Love by Hillsong

Let my heart be changed, renewed
Flowing from the grace
That I've found in You
Lord I've come to know
The weaknesses I see in me
Will be stripped away
By the power of Your love
Hold me close
Let Your love surround me
Bring me near
Draw me to Your side
And as I wait
I'll rise up like the eagle
And I will soar with You
Your Spirit leads me on
In the power of Your love
Lord unveil my eyes
Let me see You face to face

The knowledge of Your love
As You live in me
Lord renew my mind
As Your will unfolds in my life
In living every day
By the power of Your love
Hold me close
Let Your love surround me
Bring me near
Draw me to Your side
And as I wait
I'll rise up like the eagle
And I will soar with You
Your Spirit leads me on
In the power of Your love