Friday 21 January 2022


 Comfort, comfort my people!!  These words cause a person to pause, to reach out and hang on to the very insinuation of the words!!!   Isaiah has been commissioned by God to give these words to the people of Israel, and by the fact that they are in the Bible is a promise to us in our time as people of the twentieth century long for relief from the devastation we feel at every turn in the road of life.   Hearing these words from the Bible brought such longing for everyone, but a song came to my mind by one of the 'ancient' composers  from Handels Messiah.  There are several versions of this song but this was one of my favorite.
  An amazing voice is heard as many musicians combine their works together to perform this version,  Comfort Ye, Every Valley
 The agencies that supply part of the comfort we need are from angels.  Another one is thru the Spirit of Prophecy as EG White is pictured below.  Her words reiterate biblical promises as she writes:
Angels of God came down in mighty power, not to consume, not to despise, not to rule or exact homage, but to minister to those who should be heirs of salvation. They came in mighty power to encamp round about the Lord’s weak and helpless ones.  the fifth paragraph
 Many were the messages of comfort given the church by the prophets of old. "Comfort ye, comfort ye My people" (Isaiah 40:1), was Isaiah's commission from God; and with the commission were given wonderful visions that have been the believers' hope and joy through all the centuries that have followed. Despised of men, persecuted, forsaken, God's children in every age have nevertheless [723] been sustained by His sure promises. By faith they have looked forward to the time when He will fulfill to His church the assurance, "I will make thee an eternal excellency, a joy of many generations." Isaiah 60:15. Prophets and Kings


I love all the verses of Isaiah that say,  "I WILL" from God.  

I comfort you

i will strengthen

i will make the crooked straight