Thursday 5 May 2022



Part one on the 8 laws of health, you may want to define temperance and resolution,  the main objective for this page is on how to establish temperance in your life…….

I am posting this as a way to encourage those that feel they are a solitaire in this world, it is by a man who struggles with division whether in marriage, beliefs, loneliness, age,  children,  and  just plain relationships with the person sitting next to you.  These are his convictions and hopefully they will help to make you a stronger person also.  from my son Curt he writes……

in the most northern part of Canada, in  Nunavut is a town named Resolute Bay.   It is one of  the coldest inhabited spots in the world at an average temperature of below minus 15 and in the minus 40s in the winter.  It is always either dark for half the year or just sun the other half.  After World War 2 families were forced to live there to be able to claim  sovereignty of the land.  This place is probably one of the the most inhospitable places to live, there is even archeological evidence that people have lived there 600 years ago, I suspect that you would need the character and strength and temperance in order to live, let alone decide to move there.   It’s interesting to know that 86 percent of people living there are Christians,  Maybe the Bible had something to do with teaching  and building character, and maybe infirmities, reproaches and necessities could have  brought the people to Christ.

 I am going to attempt to trick you with a couple of  questions… Do you need to be strong to have faith and to obey God, yes or no?  The answer should be yes. You all have overcome sin, and obstacles, and have changed in some way, right?!   So you have all demonstrated strength. The question now is how many of you are strong?? tricky?? The world answers this in the affirmative, because they want to own their best moments. Why is this important to understand?  Well,  the Bible states its directives in its absolute state as a list of do”s and don’ts, but if we keep looking there are places it gives directions on how we accomplish these tasks.
Ellen White talks about being temperate in all things, this addresses our habitual tendencies - appetites, passions and  having abstinence. It infers that we need to make a stand on how we dictate our actions in every facet of our lives.
There is an ancient war cry in Hebrew the Israelites used in a time of war,  it is  'rak kazak'.   Spiritually it means possessing a resolute fervor, a resolve for the glory of God, tensing of the muscles, and also they used the word 'amats',  which is the confidence in victory before the field is taken. This means that we stand in power, in order to stand against the wiles of the devil. But we ask  then,  why in the Bible does God choose the weak?

Paul states… If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness. 2nd Corinthians 11:30
But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people Psalms 22:6
"O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?”  Romans 7:24

I have deviated the context of this  slightly in order to show that there is a contrast in how we define strength from the rest of the world and that our actions can be defined by our pride. Our strength is hidden in our meekness and is not owned by us.

“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.   2 Corinthians 12:9

 Temperance is wisdom, and understanding, it is the fruit of the Spirit.  And like the lessons of Joseph when he was tested with honour and power and lust in the higher echelons of Egypt,  and Daniel  with his 3 friends when they resolved to obey God with diet and commitment to God’s worship, despite their peril, and then there is  Abraham who did not hold back anything in his life from God. The list goes on with bible characters that held their  devotion and confidence in each of their testing, we need to be resolved to be subject to God’s will in every aspect  and in every thought and know that the motivation for strength is in our weaknesses and that the Holy Spirit is our rak kazak, and we will know the fight is already won even when we are weak. 



Sunday 13 February 2022



 Foraging and Gathering 


   Herbal medicine stock photo containing alternative and apothecary |  Herbalism, Green witch aesthetic, Magic aesthetic   



These bible verses are an exciting portrayal of heaven's pantry where all the freshness of foods will come from,  the water that flows from the sanctuary where God himself dwells, those that were hungry will always be supplied from the fruits, trees and those from the ground that grow there.   

Going into the forest is rather daunting to some of us for fear of getting lost or seeing wild animals, but somethings do grow right here in our back yards.  You might find things like cranberries, onions, spruce tips, huckleberries, blueberries, mushroom, yarrow, hazelnuts, morals,  goldenrod cat tails and the list could be quite lengthy once you think about it.  

An interesting blog to look thru.... 40 Wild Plants You Can Turn to Flours

Genesis 1:29  

And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.

Even the birch tree is a whole food  as its bark can be used in the same form as can nuts and grains, acorns, millet, buckwheat groats,  to grind down to flours and used in combinations to make palatable dough!!!  Well I have been doing lots of surfing on the internet and you may know lots more than what is written here!!!  but hopefully it sparks your interest to try it all out or start again in your quest for better health or a different source of sustenance when times get hard.      

An amazing blog to spend a lazy afternoon gazing over the pictures and recipes is WonderSmith,  another blog is  Our Food Stories.  Full of commentary, pictures and wholesome recipes.

Below is a copied list of spices, herbs and recipes to collect and have ready for spring and summer gathering.  The season is going to come upon us before we know it!!!    



pumpkin, sesame,  sunflower & poppyseed,  hazelnuts, walnuts,  chia seed,  amaranth, flax, sesame

make syrups or vinegars or oils, with elderberry, lilac, roses, 

have tahini on hand

gather rose petals and dehydrate, also parsley, chives - although these can be put in an ice cube tray and frozen

gather beets, raspberries, cranberries, kale, blueberries, to make powders

This next list are the ingredients for some of the spices listed below and as i didn't know what they were,  links are included in the name to give you an idea what they are and used for.....

Spicebush Berry 

Juniper Berry

Sumac Berry

Pine Nuts

Pickled Walnuts with recipe,   but Amazon is faster 

Beet Hummus

Mustard - fresh from seeds

Vegan Cheese - when set,  roll and press in beet powder for the red outer layer, or tomato powder from dyhyrated tomatos that are ground in a coffee grinder

Pinenut Seeded Bread  this link will take you there or here it is also, it uses lots of eggs and cannot leave any out or it will crumble, (like mine did!!!)

Homemade Vital Gluten-free Bread


  • 100g buckwheat flakes
  • 110g sunflower seeds
  • 110g pumpkin seeds
  • 110g flaxseeds
  • 60g pine nuts
  • 60g sesame seeds
  • 5 eggs (size m/l)
  • 1 1/4 tsp salt
  • 100ml olive oil (or rape seed oil, sunflower seed
  • 1 tbsp honey

Preheat oven to 160°C (320°F)  top/bottom heat. Butter a loaf pan, then line with baking parchment. Mix all ingredients except the eggs, the olive oil and the honey. stir the eggs thoroughly together with the olive oil and the honey, then stir into the dry ingredients. Fill dough into the loaf pan and bake bread for 60min. Let cool down for 15minutes, before you remove the bread carefully from the loaf pan. Let cool down completely.



 Microcosm and Macrocosm: Homemade Juniper Sauerkraut! — The Wondersmith

Hedgerow Spice: 

This blend is intended to substitute for the well-known sweet/warm spices of the season. Whether you’re making pumpkin pie or gingerbread, spiced chutney or cinnamon rolls, this blend can step in with the magic of the forest. Try mixing some of it with sugar to sprinkle on pastries. My local spice blend includes a little juniper, wild fennel, dried young fir needles, spicebush berries, wild carrot seeds, and just a bit of wild ginger. I added some rose petals for a subtle floral hint. Dried candy cap mushrooms add a mouthwatering maple flavor. A pinch of fennel pollen finishes it with a delightful sweetness. This blend is great for adding to recipes but can also be used as a seasoning after baking as well, in the same way one might use cinnamon sugar. (If you plan to use it raw, omit the candycap mushrooms as all mushrooms should be cooked before consuming.) 


Riverbank Blend: 

This blend is based on Za’atar, which is a Middle-Eastern spice blend typically made from thyme, sumac, and sesame seeds (plus salt.) It’s traditionally sprinkled onto flatbreads, stirred into dips, and used to season meat or roast vegetable dishes. I love the balance of earthy/nutty sesame, tart sumac, and spicy thyme. Coming up with my own stand-in blend was pretty easy; staghorn sumac grows wild where I live, and I have a good bag of wild bee balm (which tastes just like oregano) saved up from last summer. I’ve substituted pine nuts for the sesame seeds - a different flavor, but one that adds a bit more buttery sweetness to the base of the blend. The Arabic word Za’atar originally described a specific herb that’s apparently a bit like mint, a bit like thyme, and a bit like oregano. This immediately made me think of my mother’s garden, where the mints have cross-pollinated the oreganos to create a hybrid “mintregano” that we never know quite what to do with. It’s perfect in this blend! A little wild mint and thyme round out the flavors.

Za’atar is one of my go-to kitchen spice blends when I am looking to brighten up vegetables, add flavor to breads, or fortify heavier dishes with flavor. Mixed with olive oil, it is a fantastic bread-dipping sauce. This blend, too, can be used in dishes or sprinkled on as a condiment after cooking. 


Woodland Seasoning: 

This spice blend is another more savory concotion for adding depth and richness to stews, soups, breads, and more. It gets its base from mushrooms - porcini, chanterelles, shittake, or whatever else I have a surplus of in a glass jar in my cupboard. Added to that are the aromatics: juniper berries, spruce tips, wild bergamot.  Stinging nettle adds earthy greenness, while dried ramps or wild onions give it a savory boost. A little dried lomatium adds a celery-like kick, and yarrow’s aromatic earthiness rounds it all out. This blend is best-suited for recipes that call for spice blends. Cooking allows the mushrooms to release all of their umami goodness! Sometimes I add a bit of miso along with this mixture in recipes for extra umami flavor. 

Coastal Sprinkle: 

This delightful mixture is based on the Japanese ‘Furikake,’ a flavorful seasoning that’s sprinkled on top of rice, cooked vegetables, and more. It typically contains toasted sesame seeds and seaweed, plus dried fish flakes, sugar, and sea salt. Many blends also include monosodium glutamate. I used this as a starting point to develop my own blend. The base of mine are the coastal seaweeds I love so much: dulse, for its almost-meaty depth of flavor. Wakame, for its briny deliciousness (and hit of B12). Nori, for the crisp crunch it adds. Sea lettuce, since it’s such a cheerful bright green. Cracked wild mustard seeds add a bit of heat, reminiscent of wasabi. Poppyseeds add crunch. Pepitas, or raw green pumpkin seeds, are toasted for a rich nutty flavor. The main flavor punch comes from shittake mushrooms that have been dried, re-hydrated and cooked in soy sauce, then dried and powdered again. In Hawaii, Furikake blends are used even more inventively and are often paired with Western foods. I’ve heard rumors of potato chips dipped in chocolate and sprinkled with a pinch of this delicious blend… Keep in mind that this blend is actually treated like a condiment. You probably wouldn’t add it directly to a recipe, but rather sprinkle it over the top of prepared dishes.


Vegan Butter  amazing   as it spreads and tastes like the real thing!!!

Fir Needle Forest Chai Tea ~~  i loved this tea, dehyrating my own orange peel and even without the pine needles was very mild, aromatic and tasted good, if you dont have pine needles you can add a splash of lemon



TRUST HIS HEART --  click here


Mason Jars are a never ending craft resource and here are some easy ones for the busy lady and below is one that you could do also but with a bit of work and tools and a neighbour who is willing to help!!!

Container herb gardens and other herb garden ideas | The Owner-Builder  Network | Container herb garden, Growing herbs at home, Vertical herb garden 


 In closing there are many links within this page for your references, just a little of my thoughts in a new adventure for me personally and I hope you enjoy your search and hobbies this summer in gathering things together.  i would love to have a note or two on what you do in regard to this subject!!!


I ask You for Your Blessing, Lord, upon my little plot of land,

may it grow and flourish guided by Your hand.

Thank you for the pleasure, Lord,

 I find here on bended knee,

and in each flower that blossoms as a blessing sent from Thee.

Happy Summer Ladies!



Friday 21 January 2022


 Comfort, comfort my people!!  These words cause a person to pause, to reach out and hang on to the very insinuation of the words!!!   Isaiah has been commissioned by God to give these words to the people of Israel, and by the fact that they are in the Bible is a promise to us in our time as people of the twentieth century long for relief from the devastation we feel at every turn in the road of life.   Hearing these words from the Bible brought such longing for everyone, but a song came to my mind by one of the 'ancient' composers  from Handels Messiah.  There are several versions of this song but this was one of my favorite.
  An amazing voice is heard as many musicians combine their works together to perform this version,  Comfort Ye, Every Valley
 The agencies that supply part of the comfort we need are from angels.  Another one is thru the Spirit of Prophecy as EG White is pictured below.  Her words reiterate biblical promises as she writes:
Angels of God came down in mighty power, not to consume, not to despise, not to rule or exact homage, but to minister to those who should be heirs of salvation. They came in mighty power to encamp round about the Lord’s weak and helpless ones.  the fifth paragraph
 Many were the messages of comfort given the church by the prophets of old. "Comfort ye, comfort ye My people" (Isaiah 40:1), was Isaiah's commission from God; and with the commission were given wonderful visions that have been the believers' hope and joy through all the centuries that have followed. Despised of men, persecuted, forsaken, God's children in every age have nevertheless [723] been sustained by His sure promises. By faith they have looked forward to the time when He will fulfill to His church the assurance, "I will make thee an eternal excellency, a joy of many generations." Isaiah 60:15. Prophets and Kings


I love all the verses of Isaiah that say,  "I WILL" from God.  

I comfort you

i will strengthen

i will make the crooked straight


Friday 24 December 2021


This contains an image of: {{ pinTitle }} 


 O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; for His lovingkindness is everlasting. Then say, “Save us, O God of our salvation, and gather us and deliver us from the nations, to give thanks to Your holy name, and glory in Your praise.” Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting even to everlasting. Then all the people said, “Amen,” and praised the LORD … 1 Chron 16:34-36.

and when they praised the LORD saying, “He indeed is good for His lovingkindness is everlasting,” then the house, the house of the LORD, was filled with a cloud, so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled the house of God … 2 Chron 5:13-14.

You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness, that my soul may sing praise to You and not be silent O LORD my God, I will give thanks to You forever … Psalm 30:11-12.

More verses of Praise!

Last Sabbath the prophecies declared of the coming of Christ from heaven to this earth,  wise men studied and saw Him grow as a human among them.  Today we have the privilege of knowing Him thru his Word and miracles that are benefited to us each day.  The mornings here, especially have been amazing in their pink glows testifies to His creation and then there is the  generosity of people  that are inspired by his Spirit  too.   The testimony to the greatness of Jesus, even in the weakness of a  newborn babe, He is King and begins his reign.  as Spurgeon says  …..

again testimony to the greatness of Jesus, even as a young child. “Jesus of Nazareth is so potent a factor in the world of mind that, no sooner is he there in his utmost weakness, a now-born King, than he begins to reign. Before he mounts the throne, friends bring him presents, and his enemies compass his death.” (Spurgeon)

Three different responses to the worship of Jesus: 

More important than gifts is the fact that they worshiped Jesus.

We see here three different responses to Jesus; one may say that all people respond in one of these three ways.
1· Herod displayed an open hatred and hostility toward Jesus.
· The chief priests and the scribes were indifferent toward Jesus, all the while retaining their religious respectability.
· The wise men sought out Jesus and worshiped Him – even at great cost.

. In comparing the visit of the wise men to the earlier visit of the shepherds (Luke 2:15-20), we see:
2· Jesus came to the Jew first, then to the Gentile.
· Jesus came to the humble and ignorant first, then the honorable and learned.
· Jesus came to the poor first, then the rich.

. We should learn from the wisdom of these wise men.
3· They were not satisfied with looking at the star and admiring it; they did something about the star, and set out and followed it.
· They persevered in their search and in following after the star.
· They were not discouraged in the search by clergy and doubtful religious leaders.
· They rejoiced at the star.
· When they arrived at the destination the star led them to, they entered in.
· When they entered in, they worshiped.
· They sensed an urgency to worship Him now and not wait until later.
· When they worshiped, it was to give something – not empty-handed adoration.

We see a wonderful pattern: “Those who look for Jesus will see him: those who truly see him will worship him: those who worship him will consecrate their substance to him.” (Spurgeon)

Turn to this song and worship, bring your gifts of praise, persevere in the Word for the coming year!! 

 How Great Thou Art by male quartet


Lesson # 13 ~ The Resurrection of Moses ~ Link

Click on the link HERE to hear the audio version of the lesson...
 Sanctuary class on Zoom

                                                Vision: Jesus Smiling & Humility
WE GATHER ~ 10:45
Announcements  - posted below - Len Blabey
Music Ministry  - Len Blabey and Lauren Blabey
Offering - Reach BC & Yukon - website
for online giving go to   Online Giving

WE WORSHIP ~ 11:00am

Children's Story - an hour long live video of the Jesus Story, from a child's  perspective
Isaiah 14:12-14  link
SPECIAL MUSIC:  Oh Holy Night ~ Len Blabey and Jonathan Blabey
PRAYER: Len Blabey
SPECIAL MUSIC:  I'll Walk With God  link 
MESSAGE: ~ Signs: Does God Know The Future?'~ Dennis Thomsen

Closing Song:   O Come, O Come, Immanuel  # 115  - Link  Link - La Sierra
Closing Prayer -  Dennis Thomsen

Sunset tonight - December 31, 4:01pm ~ Sunset Friday - JANUARY 1, 2022, 4:04pm

Greetings to you in the NEW YEAR, May the grace of God fill you and give you peace!  What a better way to end the year than to sing the Lord's Prayer. amen! 
Please note that Lauren is the new editor for the bulletin, info below
REACH  BC & Yukon newsletter - a very good childrens program - for our offering today
Church services are still held in Zoom until January 10th when further decisions will be made regarding COVID restrictions to return to personal meeting
please feel free to use the passwords : 761454 Meeting ID: 774 005 1987
Prayer Meeting by Zoom 7:30pm every Wednesday

PLEASE have all your announcements in to the new editor Lauren Blabey  for the year 2022,  at email address  or by facebook messenger by Thursday evening  7:00pm   

Friday 17 December 2021

DECEMBER 18, 2021

Star Of Bethlehem Pictures | Download Free Images on Unsplash

 HAPPY SABBATH ~ December 18, 2021


Oh, star bright—the world is pining

For you to turn night into the day;

Oh, star bright—in Heaven shining

Come glow within me

On Christmas day.




Wise men from a far country thru the descendants of Abraham, children of Keturah, named the Magi, studied the stars, educated in maths and sciences, came to know the prophecies and wondered about the coming of the Christ.  So they were not surprised but held in wonder at the appearing of the Star.  Follow this sermon of Doug Batchelor to hear his knowledge of them……click here

It was not alone upon the hills of Judea, not among the lowly shepherds only, that angels found the watchers for the Messiah's coming. In the land of the heathen also were those that looked for Him; they were wise men, rich and noble, the philosophers of the East. Students of nature, the Magi had seen God in His handiwork. From the Hebrew Scriptures they had learned of the Star to arise out of Jacob, and with eager desire they awaited His coming, who should be not only the “Consolation of Israel,” but “a Light to lighten the Gentiles,” and “for salvation unto the ends of the earth.” Luke 2:25, 32; Acts 13:47.—The Great Controversy, 315.

As the light [of the angels at Bethlehem] faded, a luminous star appeared, and lingered in the sky. It was not a fixed star nor a planet, and the phenomenon excited the keenest interest. That star was a distant company of shining angels, but of this the wise men were ignorant. Yet they were impressed that the star was of special import to them. They consulted priests and philosophers, and searched the scrolls of the ancient records.  Could this strange star have been sent as a harbinger of the Promised One? The magi had welcomed the light of heaven-sent truth; now it was shed upon them in brighter rays. Through dreams they were instructed to go in search of the newborn Prince.—The Desire of Ages, 60.   Ellen White Writings

The prophecy of Balaam had declared......
Numbers 24;17    KJ21
I shall see Him, but not now; I shall behold Him, but not nigh. There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab and destroy all the children of Sheth.

Isaiah 60:3  a prophecy

What an exciting end to a year of hardship for BC, that we  as "Gentiles", can look forward to the coming of Jesus once again from this prophecy in Isaiah.  May you find blessing in this study inspired by the songs of special music in church today


Lesson # 12 ~ Deuteronomy in the New Testament
 Click on the link HERE to hear the audio version of the lesson...
Jesus didn’t argue with Satan nor debate him. He simply quoted Scripture because, as the Word of God, it is “living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword” (Heb. 4:12, NKJV)
 Sanctuary and Breakout classes on Zoom screen
WE GATHER ~ 10:45
Announcements  - posted below - Russ Webb
Music Ministry  - Len Blabey and Lauren Blabey
140 - Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
139 - While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
142 - Angels We Have Heard on High
133 - Now is Born the Divine Christ Child
Offering - Local Church Budget
for online giving go to   Online Giving

WE WORSHIP ~ 11:00am

Children's Story - an hour long live video of the Jesus Story, from a childs perspective
SCRIPTURE:   Isaiah  9:6 .........        youtube verse
PRAYER: Russ Webb
SPECIAL MUSIC:   Sunnyside Singers ~ Beautiful Star of Bethlehem
Promises of fulfilment in old and new testaments
Genesis 3:15 ~ Galatians 4:4
Genesis 12:3 ~ Matthew 1:1
Genesis 17:19 ~ Luke 3:3,4
Micah 5:2 ~ Luke 2:4-7
Isaiah 7:14 ~ Luke 1:26-31
Jeremiah 31:15 ~ Matthew 2:16-18
many more but you will have to contact the speaker!!
Closing Song:  Sunnyside Singers  with Taehue on the violin  ~  Shines the Light
Closing Prayer - Len Blabey
 Religious Christmas Ecards | Blue Mountain
Sunset tonight - December 18, 4:01pm ~ Sunset Friday - DECEMBER 24, 4:04pm
Fountainview Academy Christmas Concert - Link
Church services are still held in Zoom until January 10th when further decisions will be made regarding COVID restrictions to return to personal meeting
please feel free to use the passwords : 761454 Meeting ID: 774 005 1987
Prayer Meeting by Zoom 7:30pm every Wednesday
 ADRA  website  that has participated in donating help for flood stranded people at Hope
PLEASE have all your announcements in to bev  at email address or by facebook messenger by Thursday evening  7:00pm  

Friday 10 December 2021

 May be an image of text


DECEMBER 11, 2021
The Bible is a casket containing jewels of inestimable value, which should be so presented as to be seen in their intrinsic luster.
The use of the word casket is somewhat questionable in this statement, although it was an interesting one. We value the one who is resting in one. so in that way the comparison would be worthy. This next little snippet could also be termed as a similar comparison…..
Elegant nĂ©cessaires de poche filled with minute utensils for grooming, writing, or sewing were fashionable during the eighteenth century. Made of gold with hard stones, mother-of-pearl, or tortoiseshell, they were the work of a goldsmith and often served as New Year’s presents. Here, an openwork pattern of scrolls, floral garlands, small animals, birds, and dancing musicians in gold is placed on panels of striated agate. The original contents of the nĂ©cessaire are missing.    CLICK HERE
A compelling read in the following book describes all the jewels mentioned in the Bible. Turn to the link below and read especially the Preface and page 15. An excerpt says:
Jewels are very beautiful This is one reason why God calls his people jewels But jewels are VERY VALUABLE and this is another reason why God calls his people jewels It is because of their value that we call them precious stones Very often a single jewel will be worth more than many a rich man's whole fortune You remember the Bible speaks of a man finding one pearl of great price and then selling all that he had in order to purchase that pearl.....
Bible Jewels by Richard Newton
Ellen G White further explains jewels as people God spends time on....
  1. God Spends Time on Jewels—We are God's workmanship. The value of the human agent depends wholly upon the polishing he receives. When the rough stones are prepared for the building, they must be taken into the shop, and hewed and squared. The process is often sharp as the stone is pressed down upon the wheel, but the rough coarseness is being removed, and the lustre begins to appear. The Lord spends not His time upon worthless material; only His jewels are polished after the similitude of a palace. (Letter 27, 1896).
When you consider histories of generations of God’s interactions with man in the world, the work of Jesus coming to this earth from heaven, the death on the cross and the intervention He is carrying out with God for our sakes now,  do we not consider ourselves precious?

Lesson # 11 ~ Deuteronomy in the Later Writings
Hosea 6:6 — King James Version (KJV 1900)
6 For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; And the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.
Click on the link HERE to hear the audio version of the lesson...
WE GATHER ~ 10:45
Announcements  - posted below -Dennis Thomsen
Music Ministry  -  Len Blabey and Lauren Blabey
Offering - Adventist Ministries of Compassion Canada
for online giving go to   Online Giving

WE WORSHIP ~ 11:00am

Children's Story -
SCRIPTURE:   John 14:18-27 
PRAYER: Dennis Thomsen
SPECIAL MUSIC:  Lauren Blabey ~ Away in a Manger and the Huron Carol
MESSAGE: ~ The Holy Spirit and Me ~  Pastor Kwak
                         Part 2:  I will not leave you as orphans
Closing Song: # 115 - Oh Come Emmanuel  
Closing Prayer - Pastor Kwak

Sunset tonight - December 11, 4:00pm ~ Sunset Friday, DECEMBER 17, 4:00pm time will stand still for eight days!!!!

Again our hearts go out to the Shoop-McCreery families as the long battle for life has come to a close for their brother and son Randy Shoop.  Also we pray for Verdell, his wife who will need comforting  in the days to come.
With sadness, we wish to announce the passing of our dear older brother Randy Shoop. Funeral services officiated by Michael Harris, Tuesday, December 14th. 12:30 viewing, service 1:00p.m., at the Upper Skeena Recreation Centre Hazelton, B.C… Internment in the 2-Mile cemetery. Potluck finger food tea to follow.
We will be bringing Randy back to Hazelton, from Schraders Funeral Home Tuesday. If you wish to be part of this please be there no later than 10:45 a.m. In respect of his wife and mother, they will be in the first two cars.
Please share this in the community.
The family wishes to thank everyone for their prayers, love and care during this difficult time.
Communion Sabbath Today December 11, 2021 - Head Elder to deliver emblems as previously done
Church Board Meeting December 13, 7:00 pm Monday by Zoom
Address to send Lu a card to make his first Christmas away from Hazelton more special and a little less lonely. His new address is:
Lu Senecal
326-10111 96 St
Grande Prairie AB T8V 1Z8

Church services are still held in Zoom, please feel free to use the passwords : 761454 Meeting ID: 774 005 1987
Prayer Meeting by Zoom 7:30pm every Wednesday
 ADRA  website  that has participated in donating help for flood stranded people at Hope
PLEASE have all your announcements in to bev  at email address by Thursday evening  7:00pm