Friday 17 December 2021

DECEMBER 18, 2021

Star Of Bethlehem Pictures | Download Free Images on Unsplash

 HAPPY SABBATH ~ December 18, 2021


Oh, star bright—the world is pining

For you to turn night into the day;

Oh, star bright—in Heaven shining

Come glow within me

On Christmas day.




Wise men from a far country thru the descendants of Abraham, children of Keturah, named the Magi, studied the stars, educated in maths and sciences, came to know the prophecies and wondered about the coming of the Christ.  So they were not surprised but held in wonder at the appearing of the Star.  Follow this sermon of Doug Batchelor to hear his knowledge of them……click here

It was not alone upon the hills of Judea, not among the lowly shepherds only, that angels found the watchers for the Messiah's coming. In the land of the heathen also were those that looked for Him; they were wise men, rich and noble, the philosophers of the East. Students of nature, the Magi had seen God in His handiwork. From the Hebrew Scriptures they had learned of the Star to arise out of Jacob, and with eager desire they awaited His coming, who should be not only the “Consolation of Israel,” but “a Light to lighten the Gentiles,” and “for salvation unto the ends of the earth.” Luke 2:25, 32; Acts 13:47.—The Great Controversy, 315.

As the light [of the angels at Bethlehem] faded, a luminous star appeared, and lingered in the sky. It was not a fixed star nor a planet, and the phenomenon excited the keenest interest. That star was a distant company of shining angels, but of this the wise men were ignorant. Yet they were impressed that the star was of special import to them. They consulted priests and philosophers, and searched the scrolls of the ancient records.  Could this strange star have been sent as a harbinger of the Promised One? The magi had welcomed the light of heaven-sent truth; now it was shed upon them in brighter rays. Through dreams they were instructed to go in search of the newborn Prince.—The Desire of Ages, 60.   Ellen White Writings

The prophecy of Balaam had declared......
Numbers 24;17    KJ21
I shall see Him, but not now; I shall behold Him, but not nigh. There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab and destroy all the children of Sheth.

Isaiah 60:3  a prophecy

What an exciting end to a year of hardship for BC, that we  as "Gentiles", can look forward to the coming of Jesus once again from this prophecy in Isaiah.  May you find blessing in this study inspired by the songs of special music in church today


Lesson # 12 ~ Deuteronomy in the New Testament
 Click on the link HERE to hear the audio version of the lesson...
Jesus didn’t argue with Satan nor debate him. He simply quoted Scripture because, as the Word of God, it is “living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword” (Heb. 4:12, NKJV)
 Sanctuary and Breakout classes on Zoom screen
WE GATHER ~ 10:45
Announcements  - posted below - Russ Webb
Music Ministry  - Len Blabey and Lauren Blabey
140 - Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
139 - While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
142 - Angels We Have Heard on High
133 - Now is Born the Divine Christ Child
Offering - Local Church Budget
for online giving go to   Online Giving

WE WORSHIP ~ 11:00am

Children's Story - an hour long live video of the Jesus Story, from a childs perspective
SCRIPTURE:   Isaiah  9:6 .........        youtube verse
PRAYER: Russ Webb
SPECIAL MUSIC:   Sunnyside Singers ~ Beautiful Star of Bethlehem
Promises of fulfilment in old and new testaments
Genesis 3:15 ~ Galatians 4:4
Genesis 12:3 ~ Matthew 1:1
Genesis 17:19 ~ Luke 3:3,4
Micah 5:2 ~ Luke 2:4-7
Isaiah 7:14 ~ Luke 1:26-31
Jeremiah 31:15 ~ Matthew 2:16-18
many more but you will have to contact the speaker!!
Closing Song:  Sunnyside Singers  with Taehue on the violin  ~  Shines the Light
Closing Prayer - Len Blabey
 Religious Christmas Ecards | Blue Mountain
Sunset tonight - December 18, 4:01pm ~ Sunset Friday - DECEMBER 24, 4:04pm
Fountainview Academy Christmas Concert - Link
Church services are still held in Zoom until January 10th when further decisions will be made regarding COVID restrictions to return to personal meeting
please feel free to use the passwords : 761454 Meeting ID: 774 005 1987
Prayer Meeting by Zoom 7:30pm every Wednesday
 ADRA  website  that has participated in donating help for flood stranded people at Hope
PLEASE have all your announcements in to bev  at email address or by facebook messenger by Thursday evening  7:00pm  

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