Saturday 31 December 2016


Welcome! another year has arrived!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉
 It seems like it is hard to let go of the old year! but there is nothing we can do is there,  we can't push or shove or drive backwards!  it is there and moving every second to the next day!

Oprah and Michelle Obama, two extra ordinary women, in an incredible interview, had some  very interesting things to say.  As you know each of these ladies have specific goals and things they want to accomplish and have done in their lives.   Read on in this article and find out who …. Michelle is as she states her beliefs….
 “We women under estimate ourselves.........I am pretty smart,  I work pretty hard at what I do,  I am good at what I do, I have really good instincts, I have great  ideas,  I can execute.   I say this out loud because not all the time do we give ourselves credit for what we do, we don't pat ourselves on the back all the time, we are always sort of  deferring.
Live out loud,  understand what is in our brain is really useful,  don’t dumb it down , don’t apologize , put it on the table and let people deal with it,  because  we tend to silence ourselves.
Have an agenda of things you want to accomplish,   do it well, even if it is a little at a time with high standards , do not compromise your values.
She goes on to say, “ we are afraid of one each other,  is not  about colour or wealth, these play too much of a role on what we see in each other,  but none of it matters, none of this matters!  
  be gracious, you will survive,

Leave with HOPE

What else do you have if you don't have hope?
We learn these things from other people who have been there……
 The word for the beginning of the year 2017  is ………………………Hope

Hope  in your dreams, hope in your family, hope in your religion

 words of wisdom

“there is no limit to what we as women can accomplish
I never cut class, i loved getting A's  I like being smart,  I like being on time,  I thought being smart is cooler that anything in the world.
My most important title is still mom-in-chief,  our children are still the heart of my heart and the centre of my world
our first job is to make sure our family is whole
when in doubt about yourself work hard to show who you are
Instead of letting your hardships and failures discourage or exhaust you let them inspire you
I know what makes me happy.  I pick the clothes that make me happy,  sometimes people like them and sometimes they don’t

 My goal is to be a great looking 70 year old,  but i want people to say 'your 70?!!

There are still so many causes worth sacrificing for,  so much history yet to be made
stay true to yourself
if you want to have a say in your community,  the power to control your own destiny,  then you have to be involved
stand up for each other
success is about the difference you make in peoples lives,”

  Things to do  for  January:
🌸go glamping:  Well although we actually can,t do that here at this time , at the first sign of spring and running water and warm weather, Ladies, we are going glamping,  We can either camp in my yard or go to a campground with your campers or the best you have for a couple of nights or one night.  Just the ladies. Plan it out, prepare for it, Please let me know what you think.  It might be a lot of work but it will be fun.
🌸do a manikin challenge
🌸Go travelling- at least in your imagination-where would you go, what would you do??
                         ✴in Toronto…..go on the subway
                         ✴London…….well i have cousins to say hello to!  see Buckingham Palace
                         ✴Switzerland....have a fondue 
                         ✴back home…..Edmonton….to an art and painting festival at ACUA Ukranian Malanka  party


 in case  the travel time gets to be too long here, here is a project that will take you to next winter, lol, I am going to try and knit a pair of socks and mitts. What will you do????

Ladies:  I did not mean to leave religion out of this letter, but all that we do is part of  religion, we walk we talk we meet people, we do things with and for other people.  My goal this year is to be more kind.  It will be a struggle for me this year because i am used to doing things  in my own way,  but I am willing to change and I think that is the key.  So I pray that your New Year in 2017 will be one of change in the good things and God will show us the way to go.

I wish you a blessing and enjoyment in your projects, travels and faith this year!!!

 Bible     verse for this month:
Be of good courage, 
and He shall strengthen your heart, all you that Hope in the Lord.                    
  Psalm 31:24


As i sit here writing out this letter and thinking of things, I am sipping on a cup of warm broth.  It is good for many things—replenishes the electrolytes, regulates the insulin, if you are into dieting!!! it is good for that also, and full of minerals so your body will concentrate of getting rid of the not so good things, and warming your body and cold hands!!!

It is called Bone Broth but I have been using just vegetables that work for me as well,  the meat version if you choose to use it.  I will give the veggie version and on line there are really good variety of  versions in Pinterest.  You can drink it anytime you like but not to let it replace the daily intake of pure water.

  • 2 onions, sliced 1/4"
  • 2-3 carrots, roughly chopped
  • 2 -3sprigs celery, roughly chopped
  • 1 small bulb garlic
  • 3 quarts water
  • 3 large cups, extra vegetable pieces (bits, ends, and scraps)
  • Stems of one bunch of parsley
  • 2 peppers any color
  • Fennel Sprigs (optional but encouraged)
  1. In a stockpot, bring 2 tbls of extra virgin olive oil to heat. Add the onions, carrots, and celery. Saute for 3-5 minutes or until the onions just begin to turn transparent.
  2. Cover, reduce the heat to medium-low and sweat for 30 minutes or until the onions caramelize and turn a nice golden brown.
  3. Add 3 quarts of water, and vegetable pieces. Cover, lower the heat to low and simmer for 1 1/2 - 2 hours.
  4. Turn the heat off, then and add the parsley and fennel sprigs to the stock. Cover and allow to cool.
  5. Once cooled, strain the stock from the vegetables making sure to compress the vegetables to get every ounce of stock out of them.
  6. Store in the refrigerator or freeze for a later use.
What’s great about vegetable broth is that you can add any vegetables or herbs you currently have.  Don’t be afraid to make it your own!  I add bay leaf, 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar,  1-2 cups tomato,   some add a sweet potato but it could go mushy,  and dulse--not sure about that!  Use skins and cut in chunks.

 Crafts  and Projects:
Pansy Path Knit Sock Pattern

Intermediate socks   Instructions

 Mittens with a thumb

Sizes Small (Medium, Large)
Clark's O.N.T. Bone Sock Needles, 1 set No. 5.
GAUGE: 5½ sts 1 inch; 7 rnds make 1 inch.
Cast on loosely on one needle 36 sts (38 sts, 40 sts).
Divide sts on 3 needles and join, being careful not to twist sts. Work around in ribbing of k 1, p 1, for 3" (3", 3½").
Work in stockinette st (k each rnd) for 5 rnds. Start shaping for thumb gore as follows: 1st rnd: P 1, inc 1 st in next st, k 1, inc 1 st in next st, p 1, k remainder of rnd. 2nd and 3rd rnds: P 1, k 5, p 1, k remainder of rnd. 4th rnd: P 1, inc in next st, k 3, inc in next st, p 1, k remainder of rnd. 5th and 6th rnds: P 1, k 7, p 1, k remainder of rnd. 7th rnd: P 1, inc in next st, k 5, inc in next st, p 1, k remainder of rnd. Continue thus, increasing 2 sts in thumb gore every 3rd rnd until there are (between the 2 p-ribs) 11 sts (13 sts, 15 sts).
Next rnd: P 1, slip the thumb sts onto a safety pin to be worked later; cast on 5 sts, k remainder of rnd. There are on needles 38 sts (40 sts, 42 sts).
Discontinue p-ribs and work around in stockinette st for 2½" (3",  3½").
Dec 5 sts evenly around on next rnd and every 4th rnd thereafter until there remain 13 sts (15 sts, 17 sts).
Next rnd: K 2 tog. around. Break yarn, leaving an 8-inch end. Thread this end into a sewing needle and run through remaining sts. Draw tight and darn in end on wrong side to reinforce tip.
THUMB … Pick up the sts from safety pin and 3 sts on the 5 cast-on sts. Work straight for about 2 inches (½ inch from tip of Thumb). Shape tip as follows: 1st rnd: * K 2 tog., k 2. Repeat from * around. 2nd rnd: K around. 3rd rnd: * K 2 tog., k 1. Repeat from * around. 4th rnd: K 2 tog. around. Finish same as tip of Mitten. Press through damp cloth with hot iron.