Friday 2 December 2016

Hazelton SDA Women’s Newsletter ~December 2016

 Do You See What I See…..

‘....Unto us a Child is born….’

‘.....she is highly favoured among women for she has believed in the Lord…’ Luke 1:28 those days of excited girl riding on a donkey to Bethlehem,  waiting for her baby to be born!?

.....a donkey’s steady clopping  thru a narrow street stopping in front of a small barn that day.   He traveled many miles carrying his unborn  Creator.  He then settled on a crisp pile of  hay,  closing his eyes  and ears pointed, listened to the sounds of the mother next to him.  She rustled the hay making a little depression in the animals feed box and lovingly lined it with her shawl.
…on hearing the cry of the newborn baby ,  the star overhead shone brighter, angels flew to the shepherds, messengers whispered in the wise mens ears, heaven singing its hallelujah’s chorus!!  A night when a holy God came to  live with his people once again,  the world would be in the presence of Jehovah.  He would say to know Me is to know the Father.  He said,  He would be  a shield to  those who would follow Him, to lift their heads and be their glory! Psalm 3:3
Joseph also was excited to see the Christ child, his role now was to be protector and guardian.

Do you see it?  What would it have been like to have been there?   Reading  the story of Jesus once more, knowing what we know now, is your heart and soul full !!!

Favorite Songs:
Oh Night Divine by Josh Groban    listen    
Oh Holy Night by Celine Dion  listen
Do You Have Room  by Shawna Edwards listen
BREATH OF HEAVEN? by Amy Grant     listen

Bible Verse:
Luke 1:45   Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord has fulfilled his promises to her!

Word for the month of December:
Journey  ~ because whatever you have gone thru is a journey to  the answers to your questions in knowing God who is the breath of heaven that holds us together, can you find Him or is there another route?

More things to think about
CS Lewis and his relationship with Christians.....
Cookies with Christmas.....keep coming back for more and you seem to know where to get them
Science with the Universe.....why is the moon so large…. elliptical within a elliptical  is the way the   moon travels around  its orbit around the earth and in its own orbit
Desert or far do you  go to get  to one you like  (smile)


Six Point Century Snowflake

make a ring.
Round 1:  Chain 2, 11 double crotchet in ring, slip stitch in 2nd chain of starting chain 2, Pull ring tight.
Round 2: Chain 4, *1dc in next dc, chain 2, repeat from * around 10 times: sl st in 2nd chain of starting chain 4.
Round 3: Sl st in next ch 2 space, chain 1, 3sc in same sp, *ch 6, 1dc in 3rd ch from hook and in eacch of next 2ch, chain 4, 1dc in 3rd ch from hook and in next ch, 1 dc in top half of next dc, 1 sc in same ch as dc just worked into, ch 1, 3 sc in next ch 2 sp, 3 sc in next ch 2 sp; repeat from * around 5 times, ending with 1st 3/sc in next ch 2 sp on final repeat' sl st in starting sc. This is your heart.
Round 4:  Chain 20, *1 dc over sc of Round 3 into next Round 2 dc (ch looping over heart), ch 17' repeat from * around 4 times' 1dc over sc of Round 3 into next Round 2 dc, chain 14, 1 dc in 3rd ch of starting ch 20.
Round 5: Chain 2, *16 dc in next 17sp; repeat from * around 4 times' 15 dc in next ch 17 sp' sl st in 2nd ch of starting ch 2.
Round 6: Chain 2, *sk 2 dc, 1 dc in next dc, ch 2, sk 2 dc, 1 dc in next dc, ch2, sk 1 dc, 1 dc in next dc, ch 2, 1 dc in next dc, ch 2, sk 1 dc, 1 dc in next dc, ch 2, sk 2dc, 1 dc in next dc, sk 2 dc, 1 dc in opening between this and next 16/dc group; repeat from * around 5 times, ending with sl st in 2nd ch of starting ch 2 instead of last dc of final repeat.
Round 7” *Chain 5, sk 1 dc, 1 sc in next dc, ch 5, 1 sc in next dc, ch 3, 1 dc in next ch 2 sp, ch 7, 1 dc in same sp, ch 3, 1 sc in next dc, ch 5, 1 sc in next dc, ch 5, sk 1 dc, 1 sc in next dc' repeat from * around 5 times, 1 sc in same st as final sl st of Round 6.
Round 8: *5 sc in each of next 2 ch 5sp, 5 sc in next ch 3 sp, 2 sc in next ch 7 sp, 2 hdc in same sp, 2 dc in same sp, ch 3, 2 dc in 3rd ch from hook, ch 6, 1 sc in 6th ch from hook, ch 6, sl st in sc, ch 5, sl st in sc, ch 3, 2 dc in 3rd ch from hook, 2 dc in same ch 7 sp, 2 hdc in same sp, 2 sc in same sp, 5 sc in next ch 3 sp, 5 sc in each of next 2 ch 5 sp; repeat from * around 5 times, sl st in starting sc/ bind off.  Weave in ends.

And so history itself centers on that One who finally came to Bethlehem. He was the fulfillment of Israel's long hopes.

One question remains: the simple question, "Why?" Why in the name of reason would the eternal God become a man? The answer again is found in the promises themselves: He came to be the deliverer, our deliverer from sin.

God's justice requires that sin be punished in all of His creatures. And the punishment required is death. And so left to ourselves we must die -- physically and spiritually and eternally. There is no way around it -- we are unable to save ourselves.

What we need, then, is a Savior--one who would be willing to die in our place. Yet that one must be sinless and Himself undeserving of death. But only God is sinless--and He cannot die! That is, unless He first becomes one of us.

And this is precisely the rest of the story. In Bethlehem God became man in order to die on that cross for men in punishment for their sins. In so doing, He became our Savior. He came to bear the condemnation of His own law, the law which condemned us.

Christmas, then, marks an epochal event in God's calendar of redemption. He promised to save, and that first Christmas was the outworking of that promise.

It is all summed up in those familiar words of John 3:16. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

No, we don't mind the traditions at all. But the thoughts that reach our hearts are these. Christmas is the greatest love story ever told. It is a story of the greatest love ever given. And it is the story of the greatest Gift--the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior. 


Recipe time!....
Cauliflower, Coconut oil, Ginger, Turmeric Stew – Amazing! delicious stew is perfect for vegetarians or meat eaters. And it’s full of healthy fats! Comforting and warm, it’s one the whole family can enjoy for dinner. Add in some chicken or tofu for extra protein. If you’re enjoying a bit of grains, this pairs nicely with wild rice.

Serves: 4
Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes

2 tablespoons coconut oil

1 teaspoon cumin seeds

1 medium onion, finely chopped

3 ripe tomatoes, finely chopped

1 medium head cauliflower, stemmed and cut into bite-size florets
1 jalapeno, stemmed, seeded, chopped

1 cup chopped kale

2 teaspoons ginger paste

1 tablespoon cumin powder

1 tablespoon coriander powder

1 teaspoon turmeric powder

1 can full-fat, unsweetened coconut milk

1 teaspoon sea salt
2 tablespoons chopped cilantro

Step 1: In a medium stock pot, heat the coconut oil for 30 seconds on medium heat
Step 2: Add the cumin seeds and stir until they start to sputter. Then add the onions and cook for another minute, and then, add the tomatoes, stir and cook for a few more minutes until the tomatoes soften.
Step 3: Add the rest of the ingredients and stir together. Cover the pan and simmer for about 15 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes to keep from burning.
Step 4: Ladle the soup into 4 serving bowls and enjoy! Leftover stew can be stored in air-tight container and saved for lunch the next day.
Nutritional analysis per serving: calories 204, fat 24 g, saturated fat 20 g, cholesterol 0 mg, fiber 6 g, protein 6 g, carbohydrate 18 g, sodium 588 mg

Merry Christmas Ladies! and may you find joy, friendship and new beginnings as the new year approaches,  we have hurts and losses of various kinds,  know that we are kindred spirits  for you,  may you again find solace in Christ and a friend.  Apologies to those of you who don't have a computer, perhaps someone near you can let you look up the words/song for Breath of Heaven by Amy Grant.  It is fantastic!

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