Sunday 13 March 2016


Dear Ladies
Yes! At Valentines we hear a waltz and seek out a slipper moon, and make wishes that we keep close to our hearts. We gaze at bouquets of red roses wrapped in white paper with luscious red ribbons. Perhaps at a tea shop we sip a cup of chocolate and dream of happiness and love and joy. We think of weddings, friendships whether family or neighbour, perhaps (grand)children that have come to us. How our eyes shine when we hear a favorite song too.
This Valentine day, whether you are at home or out for a special dinner here are two words to keep in your heart Joy and Love.
Romans 15:13...Now the God of Hope fill you with all Joy and Peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Make a list of your favorite things:
These are mine: do they match!!!?
yellow material with red roses
pictures with yellow roses
tea pot with red antique roses
red hat with a rose and fancy shoes
needlework pillow with faded flowers that are more pink
or wall paper that shimmers with pink roses, its time to take it down but don't really want to because it is roses
or are you amazed at how Jennifer Lopez can wear that brilliant red lipstick!!
There are myriad more things to put down!

craft for February to hang underneath your Peace sign or above your headboard, or anywhere...apologies for the upside down pic will have to see if i can remedy that!
  1. Cut out baggage tags, (you can buy them also at SpeeDee), punch a hole in the top to tie a ribbon or some kind of string
  2. make a miniature tag to write a word, or description of what your are decorating the tag with or the place you got it from
  3. find a frame to glue the tags to
  4. on your lags spell the words LOVE with buttons, or tiny flowers, or shells, or red foil that you and a friend made a memory from, a heart shaped rock etc.


Women's Ministry is inviting you to a Saturday Valentine night supper for adults, starting at six o'clock February 27, 2016. Short program to follow
Ticketed admittance only, please phone to let me know if you will attend so an appropriate meal and place setting can be CANCELLED

While searching Pinterest I found and tested this recipe, It is absolutely delicious and best when set up for about two days so flavors can blend is a raw food recipe so can you say it is healthy for you!!!!!

Brownie base

1 cup walnuts
1 cup madjool dates pitted although I did not use that much, half would be great
1/3 cup raw cocoa powder

Mix all in the blender or food processor just until crumbly and press into a pan then make your icing to spread on top also mix in the food processor separately this can be frozen until ready to use.


1 avacado
3tbsp raw honey
1tbsp maple syrup
3 tbsp cocoa powder
2 tsp vanilla
dash sea salt
dash cinnamon


Would you take these two,
of dust and bone,
Born of flesh, then you,
Would you make them one?
Would you speak again
The words you spoke
When Adam slept
And Eve awoke?
Would you let your wine
Replace our water.
And look with grace
On this son, this daughter?
Oh Lord of Eden
In your majesty
Create again
Your tapestry
One heart
Where there were two.
This is the prayer
We lift to you.
by Max Lucado

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