Monday 5 September 2016

SEPTEMBER ~ hazelton sda WM newletter

 Dear Ladies
 September days are here.  Cool mists surround the valley and sweep the path of the river waiting for the sun to melt them away.   Dry summer weather has filled our pantries with loving touches of things in a jar,    a corridor of bright red Saskatoon bushes line the road to  Hagwilget bridge,  sunflowers burst their yellow petals where ever we turn. It is absolutely a satisfying feeling.
Woodsheds are full for the long winter days in front of the fireplace and  harvesting of  grapes almost ready.
In a  visit to my sisters porch this summer I was amazed at the many clusters of grapes from her climbing vines from the basement of her house to the top floor, waiting for the right moment to ripen to the right shade of purple and  sweetness ready to  be picked.  Have you ever thought about........
......extra reading

why did Jesus choose grape juice
what is the meaning of a grape---abundance, charity and wrath
what kind of grape represents his blood
he knew the physics of a grape, he made it and knew how it grew,  how it was to be harvested
why did the grape represent his blood
why did He use an upper room
why did He have a table prepared?

extra reading

Your choice of two verses for the month:

“For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.” Leviticus 17:11. 

“For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us: Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others; For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now ONCE in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.” Hebrews 9:24-26.

Therefore, I would like to suggest that the body we are to discern is not the Church. The church was not broken for mankind, nor are we healed by the stripes of the Church. The body we discern is the body of Jesus Christ. 
The Body was broken for us during the Passion of Christ Jesus. His body being broken was part of the Atonement for mankind. By HIS stripes, we are healed. The Blood dealt with the Sin issue. The Body dealt with the wages of sin: weakness, sickness, curses, and death.

Ladies ...i was reading over this material and asked myself how does this relate to encouraging women???  So i gave up and started all over again with this, it was part of my prayer questioning the relationship it had with all of you!  Why don't we relate to each other more? ......

How many people have died around us ~ in death or in spirit?   Did they die with a broken or healed heart?   AND THEN I THOUGHT OF JESUS.... It was not the death that actually killed Him, it was the heart ache of being rejected and the weight of the world sins that his very own creation did. What a heart ache!  When the very ones you have lived with all your life have gone or left you, you cry out in pain and anguish.
To know that you created the most magnificent thing in the universe and he went against You and yet you know hope is gone and you feel it is, and you know it is and yet you hope anyway.
You are alone
you hope
and give up
and there is nothing
but God is there
and sometimes answering
for our choices to be made so that He can feel the same thing you want. In recognition and acceptance and love, that is a strange word - love, because it is the full acceptance of this word that brings action to do and to say and to feel for the One who made you the most focal point in HIS creation and each other.

Word for the month is: Recognize or Know    that we have to look inward to find out who I, and then you belong to, before we can be in one spirit.

You have two sermons here in one today!!  no apologies, because in my mind it will all come together.  I hope you read the above slowly to take it all in.  It is amazing what Jesus did for us!   I am going to do a very unusual thing and that is to invite any lady who has read this and feels moved to do so, to come over to my house on Sabbath, after potluck around three!! to be together for each other, and to have a communion.


an INVISIBLE THREAD by Laura Schroff and Alex Tresniowski
The Alban Quest The search for a lost tribe by Farley Mowat

Happy September again everyone, i hope your month is filled with blessings, peace and a sense of fulfillment about yourself and others in the little things you do. From bev astleford

CRAFT: something really easy to do or just to look at, you can either draw it, or trace it onto black cardstock, cut it out and attach it above your light switch


Coconut Chia Seed Pudding
Serves 3
A true power breakfast that tastes like an indulgent dessert. Yum!

  1. 12 ounces Greek yogurt
  2. 1 cup coconut milk
  3. 2 tablespoons honey
  4. 3 tablespoons chia seeds
  5. fresh raspberries, optional
  6. coconut chips, optional
  1. 1. Mix together yogurt, milk, and honey. Stir until well combined. Add chia seeds and give it a good stir. Divide into three portions and cover with plastic wrap. Let sit for 1 hour or until set.
  2. 2. Garnish with fresh berries and coconut chips, if desired. Enjoy!
  1. Pudding will keep up to 5 days stored in the fridge.

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