Saturday 29 July 2017


A Summer Morning
 has come! 

 through the lace screen in the doorway facing the mountains from the front window,  suddenly reminding me of the song the Gaither's sing,  it is relating some of the story of Jesus life here on earth.             Then came the Morning! 

I have  already had my cup of hot drink filtered in a recycled teabag with the only creamer in the fridge, Pacific canned milk, listening to  the ambulance siren  somewhere,  and a dog’s incessant barking.  Clouds from last nights rain hang over the mountains and the mist from the river that touches with the earth hovers over the land.   Every thing is still again.    Most mornings are that way now,  a car went by and two people from their morning walk stroll by chatting and laughing!!  Its quiet again as they disappear and the stillness squeezes me.  PING. facebook says there is a message!!  I look and there is a story to read on the fire in Williams Lake.  Its epic,  turn to it here.

The question came to my mind,  how important is it to keep these memories and to make blogs or diaries, to take pictures?  When we are lonely for home the old pictures fill the space that is locked in our heart.  Other peoples memories inspire and touch the heart!  Stewart Schwab shared his homeland pictures to which I related.  All of us have the same goals to go back where we came from, where we belonged.   Here is his home in the pink and green and then there is mine with all the windows.  Both are school houses!!  I remember the crystal/glass  doorknobs the doors had and always wondered what happened to them :)  the old house is not there anymore, but Stewart could go back to his.

The pictures we have of our  home in heaven is  something to look forward to,  Evacuations from earth will tear us up, because some of us find beauty in what we see.  What we only imagine from His word is that there will be beauty  in heaven also, that there will be peaceful, happy times, forever times, where our cowboy hats will be in place and the smiles on our faces will be real,  the door knobs of crystal will still be there, the door will always be open to welcome another visitor at the porch.  God doesn’t say there will be flowers that will line the railings but I am sure there will be!!!

the last sip of my drink  is cool now, but it still tastes good!! 

Thanking God for the memories, I am looking forward to a place where there will always be peace and hope you will come to my porch in heaven and I will a have a good herbal tea ready!!  My angel and I will serenade you!!  Seriously... may each one who reads this be blest as you envision your place in heaven!!

 Bible Words.....

These are your Bible verses above to remember each day and hang on to, to whatever joy or praise or trouble comes to you.   John 14: 2,3  and 10:9

WORD for the rest of the Summer is   ~  pick your favorite word from the list below and write it on your bulletin board!!    Mine is 'cabin',  because it can mean anything cozy, as long as i have flowers,  kitchen with food, and a nice warm bed, but wondering if a bed is needed in heaven, so a nice comfy couch will do where you will come and visit.

from the dictionary on line.....
accommodations, housing, nest, residency, shelter; bungalow, cabin, casita, chalet, cottage; duplex, ranch, ranch house, saltbox, semi [chiefly British], split level, townhome, town house, tract house, triplex; apartment, apartment house, condominium, flat, tenement, tenement house, walk-up; penthouse, salon, suite; barracks, billet, boardinghouse, dorm, dormitory, lodging house, lodgment (or lodgement), room (s), rooming house; castle, château, countryseat, estate, hall, manor, manor house, mansion, palace, villa; farmhouse, grange, hacienda, homestead; double-wide, houseboat, house trailer, mobile home, motor home, recreational vehicle, trailer; hermitage, manse, parsonage, rectory, vicarage; hooch (or hootch) [slang], hovel, hut, hutch, shack, shanty

many of you have old jeans around or can go to the thrift store and pick up a fairly nice pair.  I have a nice one plus an old sweater that i am going to try and copy from this picture.
i have doilies also that are from my mom or i will make one too, they are easy to make.  use the pockets to sew on the side and line with pretty material for a nice bag for the winter that is coming up too fast!!!

 As you can tell I found this from a site called Bohemian Pages.  She has a few homeopathic recipes you would like even if it is for curiosity 

Pine Cleaner
 the above is a cleaner she puts together with vinegar and needles and leave for a couple of weeks for a nice aroma when you clean.

 Pine Tea
 She takes pine needles and saves the greenest part, puts them in water to boil for five minutes, strains the water and adds honey to taste. 
Full of vitamins A & C,  ratio 1 tbsp to 1cup water.

One more OK? !!
Pine Salve
1 oz beeswax
8 oz pine pitch oil
10 drops tea tree oil
add couple drops or three of vitamin E

this makes 2 half pints

put all in double boiler to mix, strain.

jars will seal from the heat.  

Extra:   Balm of Gilead  my friend gave me some, it is nice so i plan on doing this click here!!

Rhubarb Raspberry Crisp 
my raspberries are late this year and are just at their peak right now and i still have rhubarb so this is a good recipe to serve anyone who comes here

song from Vestal Goodman   Holy Hills of Home

 The holy hills of Heaven call me
To mansions bright across the sea
Where loved ones wait and crowns are given
When the hills of home keep calling me

This house of flesh is but a prison
Bars of bone hold my soul
But the doors of clay are gonna burst wide open
When the angel sets my spirit free
I'll take my flight like a mighty eagle
When the hills of home start calling me

I see loved ones over yonder
Tears are gone and hearts are free
And from the throne king Jesus beckons
Oh the hills of home are calling me

This house of flesh is but a prison
Bars of bone hold my soul
But the doors of clay are gonna burst wide open
When the angel sets my spirit free and
I'll take my flight like a mighty eagle
When the hills of home start calling me
When the hills of home start calling me

Saturday 6 May 2017

Mothers Day Newsletter ~ May 2017

Ladies  and  Friends.... 
the first of May was six days ago, the little nostalgic nosegays on your door handle was a picture in my imagination! How i would have loved to deliver the simple gesture in reality!!! i have often dreamed what would go into those paper funnels, maybe filled with lace and ribbons, with a couple of daisies, baby's breath and a rose or two, a chocolate truffle tucked underneath somewhere! A wish for you to have a wonderful day where your most important people would remember you!!!   
and so the wish will continue on to MOTHERS DAY! 

if any of you have ever dabbled in the fine art of painting or drawing, then you know that it takes many moves, and have you marveled at the intricate lines, layers and shadows and colors that make up a picture, did your eyes and thoughts turn up to the sky and think about how God could have created a person in a day?

We know Adam and Eve were created in a day: because He made the evening and the mornings mentioned in the Bible, that each one was created separately: to have a rib from Adam he had to have been made first, they were made from the dust of the ground: He says from dust we were made and from dust we will return, a mist covered the air” to give balance in the formation and from dryness in blending, He used his own hands:  sometimes we have to do all the work so it will turn out well as He did!! the responsibility and sense of well done is ours and was His!! preparation and thought was given to the event in the previous days of creation forming the earth for their enjoyment, He used his own breath to bring life as mothers do in their daily activities, He knew how He was made and made them in his likeness to the very detail of cells and inner workings being dependent on the health and vitality their bodies needed to move and function and think.

Mothers are made with that same care to the children she bears, to the family she has agreed to belong to, to the friends and neighbors she comes in contact with, to the work and play and thought that goes in everything attached to her being. Woman (being without children) and Mother have a synonymous connotation in that we have the same heart for one another!

We are His image!! if we are separated from that image, there is a trouble that is not ours and not from His hands. I am so thankful that we have God as our Father, that He made us just like Him!!

Song says: 
 He saw Me     by MurrellEwing     click on the title

 He saw me, in His likeness,
He saw me, just like Him.
Pure, clean, and holy, spotless white, within,
but He saw me bound in heavy chains,
and longed to set me free.
But He knew if I became like Him
He must become like me. 

          Scripture says: 
Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in our image, according to our likeness; and let them tend over the things on the earth....

       Word for May.....   
                      thankfulness or gramercy  or benediction 

Blessings and prayers for all as each one prepares to be a mentor to the ones you come in contact with!

 Craft'n Contemplations    
Just a thought, i might know that a lot of you would rather write, than craft, but you might be happy to do both!, as this lady has done in the page below, she wrote a poem or story about her mother or friend. One of my mom's best friends wrote her such a nice card and i have saved it, nice to know that mom was loved by others for some reason. Write one yourself, save it, or give it away, i would love to see your stories!!!

GIFT IDEAS:         breakfast in a box
                                           pedicure in a jar
                                          letters wrapped in a bow with a flower
                                          phone calls
                                         shopping for flowers and plants
                                        family time together

Here is a fantastic looking, very healthy cheesecake recipe that might be worth a try, something different! Click on the title to find the recipe.

Do you remember the old days when there was Nuteena? It was so goood! Here is the original recipe that is almost the same as mock salmon or peanut butter loaf
2 cups of tomato juice
2 cups of potato water or plain water
½ cup of corn meal
1 ½ cups of peanut butter or 1 cup of peanuts blended smooth & ½ cup partially blended (this is just a matter of textural preference)
2 tablespoons of oil
1 tablespoon of soy sauce
1 teaspoon of salt (optional...depending on your love of salt)
½ teaspoon of poultry seasoning or sage
½ teaspoon of garlic powder
1 tablespoon of Lawry’s seasoned salt
½ cup of gluten or whole wheat flour (or ¼ cup of each)
2 cups of rolled oats
1 ½ cups of bread crumbs
Mix the first eleven ingredients in a blender until the consistency is smooth and then pour it into a large bowl. Add oats and bread crumbs. Next, grease two 9 ¼ x 5 ½ x 2 ½ glass dishes. Put 4 cups of the mixture into each of the greased glass casserole dishes. Bake one loaf at a time in the microwave for 4 minutes. Stir the outside edges into the middle. Put them back in the microwave (one at a time) and then repeat the process of stirring. Bake the mixture until it is firm but not dry.


Sautéed spiced mushrooms, homemade red cabbage sauerkraut, Russian dressing and pickles pack a flavour punch in the Twisted Mushroom Reuben Sandwich.

Friday 7 April 2017



              “When the whole world is silent, even one voice               -                              becomes  powerful.”         Malala Yousafzai
       Hello Friends and Family

                   Easter week is here and …

I am looking out the window at the daylight when the last colour of pink has turned to grey in the rain clouds and i see six drops of water still clinging to the bare branches and as i have just read the story of Jesus as he rode thru the city on a donkey with the crowds laying down their robes, i am filled with wonder and questions and where would i be in that crowd. would i be healed or would I be in the temple with the doves? at this moment healing sounds like the perfect answer but am i afraid of my healing. you could define a lot of things in the word healing—-where would i go with it? would i turn around and give thanks or would i run down the steps and pick up the thrown coins.
i think of my answer and will give you a story: in the morning i say my prayers on my computer and leave the page up before going to work. I work for eight hours, take the hour long drive back home and have time to recount those hours. I listen to the radio from various people, and sometimes the things i want to remember are forgotten on seeing the steps i have to walk up at home, which aren't too many!!, i walk in the door to trace my steps to the computer and there is my page waiting for another prayer to my Father for the many blessings and comforts for the day. a moment filled with happiness and peace, remembering again and a moment to put you down on ‘paper’ in my thoughts.

I am thinking of several stories which i hope you can relate to in hopes that they will all come together ….This interesting story i will include in here that some of you may relate too, click on the underlined…The beds i have known: 

the rest we get from any bed is welcome, but the one we sink into at home in our own surroundings is so sureal!!. But filled with worry and anxiety it can be restless too.

It just takes one person to change things around, one person to say the right thing, one person to say hello or one to shake your hand to give you the confidence that is required for survival.

My car passenger this week loves fish, he breathes, eats and sleeps fish, he knows all about their life and living habits. i was amazed at his knowledge, the words that caught my attention were “do you know why people can't catch fish? it is confidence!…….. if you have confidence, you can catch fish”, to know what is under the water is helpful in applying this to any situation in life!! What do you want more than anything in a given situation? to take and give and enjoy!! 

the whole world may be clambering around you but silent to your needs, as in the phrase under the title of this letter, but what Jesus did in his life, was to go over that barrier and find out what the people needed…healing, comfort, and confidence in life to follow him. 

The word for April is ….confidence

Jesus Himself promised: "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies" (John 11:25).

There is a familiar song that you all know:

One pair of hands formed the mountains,
One pair of hands formed the sea
And one pair of hands made the sun and the moon,
Every bird, every flower, every tree
One pair of hands formed the valleys,
The ocean, the rivers and the sand
Those hands are so strong, so when life goes wrong
Put your faith in the one pair of hands

One pair of hands, healed the sick,
One pair of hands raised the dead
One pair of hands calmed the raging storm
And thousands of people would have Failed
One pair of hands said I love you
And those hands were nailed to a tree
Those hands are so strong, so when life goes wrong
Put your faith into one pair of hands

Those hands are so strong, so when life goes wrong
Put your faith into one pair of hands
Put your faith into one pair of hands

Other Easter songs:

Christ the Lord is Risen Today
In The Garden
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Jesus Has Risen
Worthy is the Lamb that was Slain
The Miracle

So as the titles of these songs suggest a story of Jesus, take the opportunity to look them up and read each verse. The old hymns are precious and encouraging. Blessings to each of you this month as you give your heart to Him again!!!

Now Spring invites us to get out your hats and dress up for the fun of it!!  A couple of them are quite wild!!    How do you like these hats and which one could you decorate for a craft!!??


Dairy Free Oil Free / Low Fat Sugar Free / Low Sugar Vegan

2 very ripe bananas
1/4 cup date paste
1/4 cup tahini
1/4 cup + 1 tbsp. non-dairy milk
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1/4 cup flaxseed meal
1/4 cup barley flour
1/4 cup brown rice flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. cardamom
1/4 tsp. allspice
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. powdered stevia
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
1 cup pecans, chopped
1/2 cup semi-sweet vegan chocolate chips, optional


Preheat oven to 350F and lightly oil 10 muffin tins (or a 9″ x 9″ pan).
In a medium-sized bowl, mash the bananas and then stir in the date paste, tahini, milk, and vanilla extract.
In a large bowl, whisk together the whole wheat pastry flour, flaxseed meal, barley flour, brown rice flour, salt, cinnamon, cardamom, allspice, baking powder and soda, and stevia.
Pour the wet ingredients in with the dry and stir until almost combined – batter will be thick – and then stir in the coconut, pecans, and chocolate chips, if using. Stir until mixture is thoroughly combined.  mine were on the dry side so cooking a couple minutes less might be good.
Scrape batter into prepared muffin tins or pan.
Bake for 25-30 minutes. Let muffins cool for a few minutes in the pan, then remove them and let them cool completely on a cooling rack.

Friday 3 March 2017

March Newsletter 2017

Dear Friends
the  feeling of spring is almost here, last week  I heard the robins sing on a sunny sabbath, and saw a couple of pussy willow bushes in bloom. So as the birds  come back home too, by some unknown  urge, so do  I come back to Hazleton with my belongings.  I am sitting here in the back room in front of the fire as usual writing a few words for you and glancing up toward white snow covered  four mile mountain between the trees and thinking how beautiful things are!

Jill Brisco  relates a story she remembers from reading Cory ten Boom story about her stay in a flea infested  camp that eventually saved her from dying in the concentration camp.  She thanked God for the fleas!

You know we worry about what will be for dinner and where do we buy the groceries, where our grandchildren are and if they will turn out okay, what will happen when we get rock chips in the windshield of a brand new car, how we will finish the house, will the doctors know what to do, will my job last, when will winter be over and when it is where will we get manure for the garden, will we make another trip to Alberta or to  Vancouver.  I am sure they are all legitimate things to be concerned about.  But she says  to open the suitcase,  pour all those burdens to God, close it, and remember that He knows the beginning to the end of our worries and will work things out for Good.

the Bible says  — do not worry about anything,     Philippians 4:6-7

t —remember to go in a mode of thinking over feeling
r—realize where is sin
u—unpack your backpack or suitcase—your burdens—go to the Lord and unburdened  close the case
s—drench yourself in scripture
t—thank Him for who he is and what He will do in any situation

Have a cup of tea ready, find your prayer place and it will help you trust

My boss was so stressed over a procedure we had to do today Friday March 3,  He worried about it all all week and all night, and when he got to work we knew it was a big worry.  the procedure went well and the sweat was wiped off his face!!  At the end he said and I almost believe there is a God.  Well  I knew there was , I told him I had prayed for him in the morning.  

Another interesting dialogue i listened to yesterday on my way to work with the cruise control on!!! as you might take note!!!   from Chip Ingram on how to get rid of stress.  I am not particularly stressed but it did give me a new perspective on  life  and that is to get rid of HURRY.   He relates his elimination of hurry, he slowed down and started to drive in the slow lane,  relate to people more, stopped being angry, went to the longest line in the grocery store, started writing a journal, etc. He says:  ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life

speed and godliness are incompatible
speed and peace are incompatible
hurry and loving others  are incompatible
hearing Gods voice and  hurry  are incompatible
Bible verse:
Romans 15:13 (ESV) May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

Favorite word is...Trust
Song for March:

 What A Precious Friend Is He sung by Lilly Fern Weatherford
again i hope you have the opportunity to have someone look this up online for you…..

I've a friend who's always near me
I've a friend who always cheers me
I've a friend who is so dear to me
What a precious Friend is He.

He'll go with me through the valley
He'll go with me all the way, everyday
Savior, help me to have faith in Thee
What a precious Friend is He.

On His promise I'm relying
All my needs He is supplying
He'll be there when I'm dying
What a precious Friend is He.


 Try and test your skills at water painting, you may have to dab a bit with paper towels, put on two to three layers and paint over it again, add a tree from a magazine or draw one yourself, add some painting touches, glue on some favourite saying or your thought for the moment you were doing this and frame it.  it will be beautiful ….

Well Ladies! i hope all the thoughts here came together for you and you were given courage to face you day to day things.
Butternut Squash and Spinach Lasagna
Prep time: 30 mins
Cook time: 30 mins
Total time: 1 hour
Serves: 6
    •    Butternut Squash Filling:
    •    1 tablespoon oil
    •    14 oz (400 g) or half butternut squash (diced ½ inch or 1.5 cm thick)
    •    4 oz (115 g) canned garbanzo beans (chickpeas), drained.
    •    ½ teaspoon salt
    •    ½ teaspoon mushroom seasoning or vegetable bouillon
    •    Pinch of fresh or dry thyme
    •    Pinch of pepper
    •    ½ cup water
    •    ½ cup cashew or almond milk
    •    Spinach and Filling:
    •    2 cups of cashew cheese
    •    2 cups of fresh baby spinach or 1 cup or frozen spinach
    •    ½ teaspoon salt
    •    Pinch of pepper
    •    Other:
    •    9 oz (255 g) oven ready lasagna sheets (pre-cooked for 7 minutes)
    •    2 cups of panko (Japanese bread crumbs) or gluten free panko
    •    Pinch of fresh or dry thyme
    •    Pinch of salt

    1    In a large skillet, add oil, butternut squash, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), and saute over medium heat for 6 minutes. Add salt, mushroom seasoning (or vegetable stock), thyme, pepper, water and simmer with lid for another 4 minutes, or until the butternut squash is soft.
    2    Transfer into food processor. Add cashew or almond milk and blend until smooth.
    3    Pre-heat oven to 400 °F (200 °C).
    4    In a bowl, add all spinach filling ingredients together, mix well and set aside.
    5    Grease bottom and sides of baking dish (9 ×13 inch) lightly with oil.
    6    Add ⅓ butternut squash filling and spread on the bottom of baking dish.
    7    Add lasagna sheets and spread half spinach filling on top.
    8    Spread another layer (1/3) of butternut squash filling.
    9    Add another layer of lasagna sheets and spread other half of spinach filling on top.
    10    Layer again with lasagna sheets.
    11    Spread the final layer (1/3) of butternut squash filling.
    12    Sprinkle with panko or bread crumbs, a pinch of salt and some thyme.
    13    Cover the baking dish with foil and bake for 30 min.
    14    Remove foil and bake additional 10 minutes.

Cashew Cheese

    •    1 cup raw cashews (soaked and drained)
    •    ¼ to ½ cup soy milk/non-dairy milk or filtered water
    •    ½ cup nutritional yeast
    •    2 tablespoons lemon/lime
    •    2 tablespoon Dijon mustard
    •    1 teaspoon agave
    •    ½ teaspoon salt
    •    Pinch of pepper
    1    Soak raw cashews in filtered water for at least 2 hours and then drain.
    2    Add soaked cashews and all other ingredients in a food processor, and process until smooth.