Saturday 29 July 2017


A Summer Morning
 has come! 

 through the lace screen in the doorway facing the mountains from the front window,  suddenly reminding me of the song the Gaither's sing,  it is relating some of the story of Jesus life here on earth.             Then came the Morning! 

I have  already had my cup of hot drink filtered in a recycled teabag with the only creamer in the fridge, Pacific canned milk, listening to  the ambulance siren  somewhere,  and a dog’s incessant barking.  Clouds from last nights rain hang over the mountains and the mist from the river that touches with the earth hovers over the land.   Every thing is still again.    Most mornings are that way now,  a car went by and two people from their morning walk stroll by chatting and laughing!!  Its quiet again as they disappear and the stillness squeezes me.  PING. facebook says there is a message!!  I look and there is a story to read on the fire in Williams Lake.  Its epic,  turn to it here.

The question came to my mind,  how important is it to keep these memories and to make blogs or diaries, to take pictures?  When we are lonely for home the old pictures fill the space that is locked in our heart.  Other peoples memories inspire and touch the heart!  Stewart Schwab shared his homeland pictures to which I related.  All of us have the same goals to go back where we came from, where we belonged.   Here is his home in the pink and green and then there is mine with all the windows.  Both are school houses!!  I remember the crystal/glass  doorknobs the doors had and always wondered what happened to them :)  the old house is not there anymore, but Stewart could go back to his.

The pictures we have of our  home in heaven is  something to look forward to,  Evacuations from earth will tear us up, because some of us find beauty in what we see.  What we only imagine from His word is that there will be beauty  in heaven also, that there will be peaceful, happy times, forever times, where our cowboy hats will be in place and the smiles on our faces will be real,  the door knobs of crystal will still be there, the door will always be open to welcome another visitor at the porch.  God doesn’t say there will be flowers that will line the railings but I am sure there will be!!!

the last sip of my drink  is cool now, but it still tastes good!! 

Thanking God for the memories, I am looking forward to a place where there will always be peace and hope you will come to my porch in heaven and I will a have a good herbal tea ready!!  My angel and I will serenade you!!  Seriously... may each one who reads this be blest as you envision your place in heaven!!

 Bible Words.....

These are your Bible verses above to remember each day and hang on to, to whatever joy or praise or trouble comes to you.   John 14: 2,3  and 10:9

WORD for the rest of the Summer is   ~  pick your favorite word from the list below and write it on your bulletin board!!    Mine is 'cabin',  because it can mean anything cozy, as long as i have flowers,  kitchen with food, and a nice warm bed, but wondering if a bed is needed in heaven, so a nice comfy couch will do where you will come and visit.

from the dictionary on line.....
accommodations, housing, nest, residency, shelter; bungalow, cabin, casita, chalet, cottage; duplex, ranch, ranch house, saltbox, semi [chiefly British], split level, townhome, town house, tract house, triplex; apartment, apartment house, condominium, flat, tenement, tenement house, walk-up; penthouse, salon, suite; barracks, billet, boardinghouse, dorm, dormitory, lodging house, lodgment (or lodgement), room (s), rooming house; castle, château, countryseat, estate, hall, manor, manor house, mansion, palace, villa; farmhouse, grange, hacienda, homestead; double-wide, houseboat, house trailer, mobile home, motor home, recreational vehicle, trailer; hermitage, manse, parsonage, rectory, vicarage; hooch (or hootch) [slang], hovel, hut, hutch, shack, shanty

many of you have old jeans around or can go to the thrift store and pick up a fairly nice pair.  I have a nice one plus an old sweater that i am going to try and copy from this picture.
i have doilies also that are from my mom or i will make one too, they are easy to make.  use the pockets to sew on the side and line with pretty material for a nice bag for the winter that is coming up too fast!!!

 As you can tell I found this from a site called Bohemian Pages.  She has a few homeopathic recipes you would like even if it is for curiosity 

Pine Cleaner
 the above is a cleaner she puts together with vinegar and needles and leave for a couple of weeks for a nice aroma when you clean.

 Pine Tea
 She takes pine needles and saves the greenest part, puts them in water to boil for five minutes, strains the water and adds honey to taste. 
Full of vitamins A & C,  ratio 1 tbsp to 1cup water.

One more OK? !!
Pine Salve
1 oz beeswax
8 oz pine pitch oil
10 drops tea tree oil
add couple drops or three of vitamin E

this makes 2 half pints

put all in double boiler to mix, strain.

jars will seal from the heat.  

Extra:   Balm of Gilead  my friend gave me some, it is nice so i plan on doing this click here!!

Rhubarb Raspberry Crisp 
my raspberries are late this year and are just at their peak right now and i still have rhubarb so this is a good recipe to serve anyone who comes here

song from Vestal Goodman   Holy Hills of Home

 The holy hills of Heaven call me
To mansions bright across the sea
Where loved ones wait and crowns are given
When the hills of home keep calling me

This house of flesh is but a prison
Bars of bone hold my soul
But the doors of clay are gonna burst wide open
When the angel sets my spirit free
I'll take my flight like a mighty eagle
When the hills of home start calling me

I see loved ones over yonder
Tears are gone and hearts are free
And from the throne king Jesus beckons
Oh the hills of home are calling me

This house of flesh is but a prison
Bars of bone hold my soul
But the doors of clay are gonna burst wide open
When the angel sets my spirit free and
I'll take my flight like a mighty eagle
When the hills of home start calling me
When the hills of home start calling me

1 comment:

  1. So enjoy your thoughts in these letters. They strike a chord in me. Thank you for sharing your heart.
