Saturday 6 June 2020

Mothers Day May 2020

Mothers Day 2020 has past and a few of you ladies have asked to join this group. I have not posted here for such a long time and so i thought i would  repost the pictures that were in the regular facebook posts.
I should add that each of the Ladies in Hazelton got a bag of grapes and cookies personally delivered by moi!!, in honor of my mother because she would always give us grapes instead of candy, but she loved candy too lol, we all love the things our mothers do for us!!! And the last lady to be added to this group of pictures is Merilee as I just got hold of her today.

In my reading of the bible i was wondering if there was a verse that would relate to Mothers Day and suddenly this was in plain sight that caught my attention....

Isaiah 66:13........As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.

we as mothers, that is our role in life,  is to lend comfort to one another, Jesus says he will do the same thing to us and when we get to heaven our reward will be there. 'Cast your bread upon the waters and you will see it after many days'!!
Hold on Mothers!! dont give up! keep striving and praying, encourage one another with little acts of kindness and the Spirit will give you peace!

Then this song came up also, i just love how things just fall into place and inspiration comes like a glimmer of knowledge in your mind you know that Jesus gave you these thoughts.…

Here is the cookie recipe for the cookies pictured....all i did was get your favorite shortbread recipe, add a half cup of dandylion flower petals, chop up some rosemary, thyme, add a bit of lemon zest if you like and a drop or two of the juice, substitute a half cup of the flour for whole wheat flour. Bake 325F for 20 minutes.

God bless everyone and may He keep you until He comes again!!!!

 thank you ladies for letting me take your pictures, i love how it all came together. the men are in there because the ladies were having a much needed nap so they consented also!!!

Here is a recipe you can always use to supplement your craving for sweets and maybe chocolate lol.  follow this link

To Close:
This verse is repeated twice in the Bible i just found out!! as i thought i had made a mistake, but here it is below and earlier in this post!!
Jeremiah 66:13 As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I (Jesus) comfort you' and you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.
14 says when we see this your heart shall rejoice and your bones shall flourish like an herb.......

Hope your day was blest and I hope  for healing in any situation you are hurting in,  Have happiness!!

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