Wednesday 21 April 2021

May Flowers


May ..... my favorite time of the year is just about here. I love the first day of it because it brings memories of things that we used to do like hanging flowers or freshly baked muffins on a doorknob outside your door, ringing the bell and then running away making the residents inside wondering who did this, sometimes they just know and sometimes they have to guess a couple of times. All in the spirit of congeniality!! This year it will be quite virtual. Except for one person!!! I have this bag that spells cupcakes on it and anyone within short driving distance of me will be the one who will get the bag full of things.

All in the spirit of Mothers day also. 'Goodwills'  have their greenhouse open for another year and the plants look fabulous. I will be picking out pink petunias again. So for me it is a pink month. 

 Petunia 'Easy Wave Pink'

This year Women's Ministry has already finished its series of meetings, the link is here. CLICK

You will love it.  You may have to click it forward in the beginning.   It is relatable, easy to listen to and encouraging for anyone. The word 'Lament' was an interesting title for her talk. We can lament a lot of things in our life, we can praise God for a lot of things in our life, we can do then all at the same time and God still hears and provides the comfort we need. 

Here is the BC Womens Ministry facebook sight  



 I enjoyed making bowls out of egg carton pulp for my Art at the Dump  project, so I decided to make a few more. I had been... | Egg carton art,  Bowl,

Click on the video and you will see a how to.  I made  a couple by soaking paper egg cartons over night in water and in the morning putting it in the blender with water a little at a time, straining out the water and spreading the mixture over a bowl lined with saran wrap so it can be removed easily once it has dried.  This will take a couple days to dry then you can trim, paint and embellish.  They are for decoration only but fun to make.


Give Up and let Jesus Over  click

A very down to earth song but upbeat music as this trio sings that Jesus is their friend.  Lots of  smiles and encouragement for us as we learn to lean of Jesus and fight our battles or Laments!!!  And our secret is to remember to rejoice in Jesus as our friend as these birds do.  Every morning this spring I wake up to the birds, and the frogs!!!  singing their little hearts to full capacity.  Wonderful to hear.




 Persian Jeweled Rice

web site

 Persian jeweled rice on a platter with pomegranates

 Finally Ladies, I wish you a happy Spring,  lots of hard work as this season usually brings, but satisfying that things are once again getting organized and cleaned in the yard as well as in our souls.  Enjoy everything here and I hope you try all things!!  

CUPCAKE:  the seventh person to like or post a comment on this post will get the cupcakes!!!!

Gods blessing to all

Bev Astleford


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