Friday 4 November 2016

NOVEMBER 2016 newsletter

Millions   of crosses all over the world, beneath, each one carried a burden to defend

Ponder for a moment the direction of your influence the world has to see……..

People I have met thru the years, some are younger,  some  older and some are not here anymore, have left an impression in the heart of my mind.

 ……….one who has a decided change in thought and confessing her beliefs on life showing a happier growth in another stage in her life
Job….. who  lost everything he owned and he vows allegiance to love his God no matter what
………another who has just passed away who goes to campmeeting, twice,  barely able to move, what courage!
John…. on the isle of Patmos, alone,  desolate,  heard the voice of Jesus saying write the words of
revelation and he unwaveringly writes part of the bible
a neighbour…..suffers  his pain but still manages to be cheerful,  makes the best soup in the world!!
Jeremiah.......who builds walls against discouragement
……a family member who has had several life changing moments and God directing his life in the head of a church organization, that when he speaks a definite joy can be detected because he is helping

These are questions that have been running thru my mind......

how are these similar to the issues that Jesus addressed when people were hurting?  he healed them,   how are the relationship issues here described then and now?  He said follow me!
my beliefs  - what do i stand for ..........what about me or us- is it encouraging to someone else  what statement can i bring to the world that is around me?

is pain and loneliness the answer to it all,   everyones experience is unique on their way to know God 
this month it is all about people and the sacrifices they have made and how their soul is invested in each of the things they struggled and strive for in life, for a cause, how far do you take your cause?

Michael Jackson's  Earth Song  describes the strife and pollution and killing on the earth
Gaither  song   I Then Shall Live ,  as one who has learned compassion, feed a hungry world thru me
remember  those who fought  not only in war but in faith and sickness and health and laughter.

I was inspired  by someone to do something that would encourage you to go on and to have a purpose and not give up.  I looked at each one of you and by the people mentioned in my list above, who might receive this letter and  knew that  in each of your struggles you would be given strength because of your belief in God , you have given me something to think about and  to note down.  Look to only One you have and that is what Jesus hands have done for you.

Listen to the song Ivan Parker sings.....

 Saved by the Hands

Hands that multiplied the bread
when the hungry crowd was fed
kind hands that healed
made tormented spirits yield
But I’d have never believed when i was lost
those hands would find me and I’d be saved by the hands of Jesus.

Saved by the hands, two gentle hands
Surrounding my soul when my world fell apart
His fingerprints of deliverance
are all over my heart
and I've been saved by the hands of Jesus

Calloused hands, scarred with nails, pulled me up when i failed.   Hands that tore and hands that bled,  raised my soul from the dead.   Hands, they could not bear to see,  Lord they are so beautiful to me.  I've been saved by the hands of Jesus

May the words that are here re affirm the old ways of thinking and may they also lead the  way to a new way of thinking                                  
Bible   verse for the month of November:    Micah 6:8

Words for November: look at your hands and know what they do….                         Hands in Motion
 Crafts:  something for the long winter evenings that will keep your hands busy ~ PAINTING~OR DRAWING

For the first one is simply to spray glue or sew your different fabrics together, find material with a figure or draw a design on plain fabric, or hand sew them onto a small canvass that you would purchase at the dollar store. Embellish.  Add a wire hangar with two tiny screw in hooks.  Hang them up in a favourite place where you spend a lot of time and enjoy.

The second one would be the same… These are poppies.…hand paint a picture on canvass, or glue paper on the bottom, outline and hand paint over top  a painted fabric or paper and attach to the canvass with a button or thread or glue.  Paint the sides of the canvass for a finished look.

Hands are so precious…when we put a hand on the shoulder to comfort, to give a gift, to heal, to write, to pick up the phone to say hello,  to play a song.
The first recipe was given by one of my sisters, i remember her putting everything in the blender, poring it in the pie crust and there were two of them sitting on the counter ready to eat!!!  And then we had to WAIT until they were refrigerated before they could be eaten.   DELICIOUS!

 Pumpkin Squares....

Soak 5 minutes - 2 Tb unflavored Emes Gel
       3/4 c water.
Add 1 c boiling H2O
Blend til dissolved.
Add 3/4 c brown sugar or maple syrup     and  1 cup cashews, 2 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp salt and blend til smooth                            
Add 6 ice cubes - up to 1 quart.
Blend in 2 c cooked pumpkin
Pour over crust
Let set, cut in squares - of course i just did it in a pie!
May need to substitute the Emes Gel with  gelatin of your preference

Second one is my favorite of all Beans!  with a cowboy twist to it, used to make them all the time years ago...

 Well it says 1/2 lb of bacon but you know we could put in stripples or  just plain leave it out!!!  I put in a good tablespoon of beef like seasoning
1 large can of Worthington burger
3 cups chopped onion
1 cup chopped celery
2/3 cup water
2-3 cloves garlic minced
1 1/2 cups cups ketchup
3 tbsp mustard
1 1/2 salt
1/2 tsp pepper
2 cans baked beans or some of your own cooked beans will do or a mixture of any kind of beans

Fry onions, garlic, burger, spices, celery and add rest of ingredients, put in dutch oven and bake in 350 oven for an hour and fifteen minutes.  Serves twelve.  and good froen for left overs or your Pathfinder club!!!!

Third one is from my second sister which is a Purslane Smoothie...she was not able to email me a recipe but she did say she made one of these and knowing her she has a wonderful knowledge of backyard plants and  probably put in nettles, carrot tops and grapes.  Purslane is a wild weed that is lemony tasting.   Sounds good doesn't it!!!
UPDATE:   Pineapple/cantaloupe/rice milk/arach greens/purslane/ginger/squirt of lime

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