Wednesday 8 December 2021


 2021 is about to become 2022

Animals are always better with two.  They marched into the ark two by two.  God created man and woman in two creatures for  companionship.  Where ever two (or three) are gathered there He will be  and there is many more.  I have twin sons.   Here is a list you can turn to.  It is interesting  to note there are two chandeliers in the picture too.


So this letter is going to be a likeness of the ones i write my kids, hope you like it.  It is to all Ladies and Men if they want to join or listen WOMENS MINISTRY!!


Hello Ladies

The year as we all know have brought myriad of disasters and along with it separation and also the heartwarming stories of helping, comfort and support we have for one another.  We are eager to help and create where ever we can.  Our hearts are filled with compassion.  Be it with gifts or writing or prayers. 

This just fills my heart with joy because it all counts and is valued beyond measure. These gifts are the epitome of  Christ and what he puts in us to do in his name.  I find it so amazing.  We may not realize it but looking back at the end of the day we recount the events and there is only two words we can say and that is THANK YOU!  We think of Him and what he has done for us too.  

DEVOTION:  WOW what more can I say to the above link and repeated here:   TWO LINK

I will put my little input here just for addition:   It is a little quote worth repeating as it was in the lesson that we study and also i put it in the bulletin that i have written and here again...... An interesting comment: 

The Bible is a casket containing jewels of inestimable value, which should be so presented as to be seen in their intrinsic luster.  

The Bible is a jewel, We, ladies,  are more precious than jewels as it says in the Bible: 

Proverbs 3:15    She is more precious than jewels;
And nothing you desire compares with her.

So you see you are very important people in the lives of those we meet.  Especially as caregivers/mothers i am beginning to realize that even though there are things we wish we would have done differently, in the end it all works our for the glory of God.  I am so very thankful!!!


 Marbled Butterfly Pea Flower Sourdough Bread


I have never seen blue bread before and am bent on trying this sometime because it is made with butterfly pea flower not your ordinary sweet peas but this one here -  LINK HERE

The font above is called Sweet Pea!!

If you want a spread to put on it just use crushed pineapple drained really well.  It is really good and less sugar of course.


Retirement has given me time to use up my collection of paper and so i am making cards.  It has been a lot of fun, a little bit of work and best to use the purchased tape i found out.   Some of you have even been the recipient of pictures on facebook of them and also in the mail.  But it is something you can do also.  Ethel in our church makes them as a ministry

Cards it may be in a different language but pictures speak and there are lots of ideas on Pinterest

and yet another craft!!!!  Rock Wrapping     You Tube Video



Oh Love That Will Not Let Me Cynthia Clawson.....  She was my mothers favorite singer and we would listen for hours whenever I would visit her.  Mom has left many memories that I enjoy now!!  



God keep my jewel this day from danger;
From tinker and pooka and black-hearted stranger.
From harm of the water, from hurt of the fire.
From the horns of the cows going home to the byre.
From the sight of the television that maybe might change her.
From teasing the donkey when he’s tied to the manger.
From stones that would bruise her, from thorns of the briar.
From evil red berries that wake her desire.
From hunting the gander and vexing the goat.
From the depths o’ sea water by Danny’s old boat.
From cut and from tumble, from sickness and weeping;
May God have my jewel this day in his keeping.
~Winifred Lett (1882-1973) Prayer for a Child



This letter came up in about an hour and that is how God works, He just does things quickly when there is a mind to put Him first and that is what this is and also to inspire not only myself but to you too!!  And there you go - the two too's right there  hahha   Blessings and God be with you all and may your next year be filled with strong impressions from the Holy Ghost and may you find peace from Him in all you do.  

Thank you for reading and thank you for all of you  Amen.


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